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The day of the big dance arrived. Steve Bucky Bruce Natasha and Dani all met up at Bucky's for pictures. Most of the pictures obviously being of Dani and Bucky before and after getting ready. Everyone was exited, especially Steve. He was nervous too constantly pacing and worrying until Bucky ripped him from his thoughts. "Steve a word?" Bucky said dragging him away. "Dude what's wrong? I thought you were exited for tonight."
"I am. Trust me I am. I'm just nervous you know?"
"I get you. I was super nervous when Dani and I went on our first date, and hell we had already met in person! So yeah its understandable that you're nervous, but just know you're gonna meet this guy who ever he is and fall in love under the stars and maybe he'll reveal himself. But who knows he could see you then be totally disgusted." Bucky shrugged
"Thanks for the words of encouragement Buck" Steve sassed. He then walked out and said to Dani "you're boyfriend is an ass"
"I know it's why I love him" she said hugging Bucky. Steve sighed "come on let's go" he requested. The group then left for the dance. When they arrived everyone was whispering about Tony Stark the most popular boy in school who was also a major asshole. "I heard he came alone" one girl said
"Rumor has it he couldn't find a date and stayed home" a boy whispered.
All the talk made Steve wonder was he Tony Starks date tonight? If so he's not the asshole the school thinks him to be. He's kind sweet caring funny. Sure he could be an asshole but that's not all that's there, and if he was in fact going to be here with Tony Stark he'd be glad. Steve didn't care who he was here with because whoever it is made him fall in love without them meeting in person and Steve couldn't believe it. "Steve it's almost nine!" Dani said. Steve snapped out of his thoughts and headed to the center of the dance floor right under the disco ball. Right as soon as it became nine o'clock he heard a boys voice say "hello Steve"

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