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The next week at school Tony revealed him dating Cas and two people walked off angry with tears brimming their eyes. Their closest friends quickly following telling them that Tony is an ass anyway or that Cas is a bitch. Both people sniffled and nodded and I'm sure you want the conversations so here you go.


It was lunch time when it happened. Rumors had been going around all day. Rumors of Tony finding a new girl to mess with, but when lunchtime rolled around the rumors were confirmed. Tony walked in with a short brunet clinging to his side, his arm draped around her shoulder loosely. Steve got up and walked away when he saw the sight and so did another person across the room but we'll get to that later. Bucky Nat and Sam followed Steve while Dani seemed to go after the other person with two other people also following. The three friends found Steve hiding under the stairs. "Hey Steve" Sam said gently
"Go away"
"Steve talk to us" Nat said
"I don't want to talk ok!"
"Steve let him go he was an asshole anyway if he could pass you up" Bucky said
"Yeah I know it just still hurts. He was different. I thought I loved him"
The three friends looked at Steve shocked he hadn't loved anyone since Peggy and when Peggy died in an accident Steve was devastated. Now I know what you're thinking Steve is gay right well sorta wrong you see some men and women say that they're gay for this one person because they feel so strongly attracted to someone of the same gender, well Steve was straight for Peggy. He felt such strong feelings for her then she died and he was a wreck. He got back on his feet again a year later and started smiling again then a year later Tony texted him for the first time and you know how that went.

The other person

So you know how I mentioned another person running away feeling angry and betrayed well that person was Rem. Rem and Cas obviously liked each other anyone who knew them could see that. So when Rem saw Cas walk in clinging to Tony they weren't happy and ran off. Their friend Dyl who was sitting with them followed signaling for Dani and their friend Jo to follow. Jo instantly got up and followed Dani not far behind and found Rem in the schools secret basement below the basement that the. "Hey Rem you ok?" Dani asked
"I thought Cas liked me"
"She does like you!" Dyl insisted
"Yeah she's probably just trying to help out Tony with getting Steve back by making Steve jealous"
"Yeah and not tell me" Rem sassed rolling their eyes
"Rem Cas is a bitch ok and if she doesn't appreciate what she has then fine let her be that way" Jo said
Rem lifted their head up and said "you're right Jo-"
"I know"
"If she doesn't care fine-"
"You got that right"
"I don't need her"
"Nope who needs love"
"True" Dyl and Rem said at once.
"Except ha I have love whoops" Dani said
"Traitor" Jo said in a joking manner which caused them to all go into a fit of laughter

So the two heart broken people and the two "lovebirds" went along with fake smiles on their faces for another month until Tony shocked the school. 

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