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Tony stared at his phone because in reality Steve didn't respond. He just got the you have been blocked by this user notification. So Tony laid down on his bed and cried. Cried because he screwed up just because he was to selfish to loose his reputation. Too scared to come out and tell the world that Tony stark is gay and in love with the outcast of the school.

Monday rolled around and Tony didn't want to get up he just wanted to stay in his room. He didn't want to face the day and he didn't want face Steve but he knew he had to. Tony got dressed in his usual attire and was met downstairs with his friends Pepper and Rhodey.
"Tony we haven't heard from you since the dance" Rhodey said
"Stuff happened" Tony mumbled
"Tony what did you do?" Pepper asked
"I fucked up ok!" Tony yelled "let's just drop it and get this day over with"
Rhodey and Pepper shared a knowing glance between each other before heading out the door.

At the arrival of school Tony immediately spotted Steve. And his heart ached to go over an apologize but he didn't.

The day was long and slow. Any class with Steve Tony spent staring at him wishing he didn't fuck up.

Steve knew Tony was staring he could feel it. He could feel the eyes of former love looking at him but he didn't care. Tony made his choice and that was that.

At the end of the day Tony got the guts to go after Steve. "Steve!"
"What do you want?" Steve snapped.
"I want to apologize" Tony said
"No Tony you made your choice"
"Steve hear me out"
"I don't want to hear it!" Steve said and then walked away. Natasha walked up to Tony and said "He still likes you the only reason you still have your dick is because Bucky and I agreed to give it time, well Dani begged us not to kill you and give it time Bucky agreed obviously and then I was forced to wait. The agreement is until the end of the year then you're dead if it's not fixed"
Tony nodded solemnly. "What ever you say Natasha"

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