Chapter Three

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Dick was trying very hard to walk normal, but he was afraid if he didn't baby it, he would keep bleeding. Dick walked as fast as he could to his room, and when her got there, he sat on the bed and winced as he lifted his leg onto the bed. Dick let out a slow breath as he laid down. Just then, Tim walked in, and closed the door behind him. 

"Are you okay?" Tim asked.  Dick let out a steady breath and sighed.

"I think I'll be fin-CRAP." Dick exclaimed, sitting up quick.

"What?" Tim said alarmed. Dick limped over to his bathroom and sat on the toilet seat.

"It's bleeding again. And these are my favorite pants!" Dick said, trying to be funny, even though he was in pain. "Behind the mirror, there should be some more gauze. Hand it to me." Tim quickly grabbed the gauze.

"Dick...did you actually take the bullet out?" Tim asked cautiously. Dick looked at Tim with a wide eyes.

"Uh, no. I didn't." Dick said, his voice painful.


"I'm sorry! I just didn't think..." Dick sighed. He looked around the room, avoiding Tim's eyes. Finally, he gave up and looked at him.

"You now we have to tell Bruce, right? I mean, you need to get the bullet out. I don't know how you aren't crying pain. That must hurt. You could get lead poisoning you know. I mean, there is a chance that you could...die." Tim whispered the last word. Dick thought for a minute. The sighed.

"Fine. Let's go."

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