Chapter Fifteen

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Dick and Tim had to stay in the hospital for a couple more days. Bruce hadn't gone back up to the hospital, probably too embarrassed to see the boys after his behavior, but Alfred came up once or twice within the week with updates. It was Dick's fifth night in the hospital when Bruce finally came. It was about 11:00 pm, and Bruce paid them for a longer visiting time.
"Dick?" He knocked on the door. Dick looked up from his book to see Bruce standing in the doorway.
"Hey." Short and Quick.
"What did the doctor say?"
"Legs still infected. Two broken ribs. Gotta 'nother week in here." Dick was still pretty angry. Yet, he didn't want to. He wanted to forgive. It was in his nature to forgive. Yet he couldn't bring himself to do so. Not yet. He took a deep breath faced Bruce, wincing at the pain in his side.
"Are you alright?" Bruce didn't moved but a look a concern fell on his face.
"I'm fine." Dick said breathlessly. "I'm used to it." He decided he should just let everything happen, and not to pick a fight.
"I've heard the story from the others, but I wanted to hear your side." Bruce walked over a bit and sat down in a chair across the room. He just the door behind him. Dick let out a sigh and decided to begin.
"Well, um, after I, uh, left, I sorta just watched for crimes, little things like drug busts and gun fights. Then one of the goons who had been apart of the soda incident found me. I fought him for a bit and then just hit him with a crowbar," Dick chucked at himself. "But then I blacked out. Luckily I got ahold of Tim before I went down." He closed his book. "Then I woke up here. Double the pain." He shrugged. For some reason he remembered the faint sound of Radiohead, but he wasn't sure if he was right. He also didn't feel like telling Bruce about seeing Wally. Bruce looked down at his shoes and put his hand over his mouth. They were quiet for a couple seconds, but it felt like years. Suddenly, Bruce spoke.
"Dick, I didn't mean anything I said that night." But it wasn't enough. He knew it.
"Part of me knows that. The other part would say otherwise. I guess it was a rough week for us." Dick was quiet as he recalled the events that end unfolded that week. He remembered it all. Artemis's broken voice. Kaldur's look of sadness when Dick told him he was taking a break. Sitting in that window sill for hours. That one window sill.
"I didn't realize what this might have done to you. Emotionally." Bruce stared blankly. "I mean, your team did that. You guys saved us. And then because of it," His voice went quiet. "You lost your best friend." Bruce wasn't usually this sentimental, but Dick didn't mind. The long silence had returned.
"I forgive you." Dick said. Bruce didn't need to say it, he knew what he meant. Bruce smiled, for once a real genuine smile.

----------------------------------------------hey guys I'm sorry I'm so late!! I'm just really busy with school but stay with me! I had planned on writing a new story here and while I'm still writing, it feels more personal to me so it wouldn't fit right here. Maybe when it's finished I'll publish it. Thanks!

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