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*********2 Years Ago**********

I sigh as I walk the crowded hallways of my high school. People push at me as I walk past. Ugh, I hate it here. Everybody here are annoying as hell, except for my small group of friends.

Hi, I'm Jimin. I'm the nerd of my high school. Yup, glasses, suspenders, bad skin, everything that makes a nerd a nerd. I'm the exact definition of a nerd. Well, except the buck teeth. I don't have buck teeth. Thank god I don't have buck teeth.

"Hey, yo, nerd!" Someone calls from behind me. Aw man. Here we go. I sigh as I prepare myself and turn around. My eyes go wide when I see the most popular girl in school standing in front of me. I feel my heart start to thump as she stands there. Yes, I'm sure you can all guess I have a major crush on this girl. I've had a crush on her since elementary school. She's never really noticed me of course, but when she does it's only when she feels the need to humiliate someone and in which case right now that person that she's going to humiliate is me. Figures that I would have a crush on a girl who constantly bullies me and makes me do her homework.

I look up at her with a questioning look. She glares down at me with a look of disgust in her eyes. Man, I know that my skin isn't perfect like hers, but I don't think it's that bad. I mean, sure I could pop some pimples every now and then, but why bother? I don't really have anybody that I want to impress. Well, I guess maybe her, but she probably would still see me as a nerd, so there's really no point. I feel sweat start to run down my face as I stare at her. We stare at each other for a whole 5 minutes.

"Um.... are we just going to stare at each other the whole day because I need to get to class," I state awkwardly. She stares at me for a moment before smiling at me. Eh~, why is she smiling? Ok, now, she's creeping me out.

"I heard that you have a crush on me Jimin," she states raising her eyebrow at me. My eyes go wide. What?! Who in h*ll told her that?! I glance at my friends to see them giving me a thumbs up. The hell?! I'm going to kill them after I finish talking to her. "There's no use denying it Jimin. Your friends over there told me themselves." Yup, definitely going to kill them. Oi, I guess there's no use denying it though if my friends told her.

"I wasn't going to deny it," I respond with a shrug, "I was going to say that it's true." She smirks at my response. Gah, remind me again why I have a crush on her. Heck, remind me why I even like her to begin with. She's a complete snob, a bitch, she's mean, she's a drama queen, she's manipulative, and she's a complete player, which I guess in this case would mean that she's slut. So, why in hell do I like her?! God, if someone has an answer for me then please tell me because my mind just drew a blank right now.

"That's good to hear," she replies as her usual smirk turns into a gentle smile. Whoa, I've never seen her smile like that. I feel my heart skip a beat when I look at her smile.

"And how come?" I ask in confusion. How is this a good thing?! It means that now I'm in for some more teasing and bullying! I don't get how that's a good thing. It probably is for her because now she can tease me about it. Ugh! Someone please shoot me now.

"Because...... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go see a movie with me tonight," she explains with a shrug. I eye her suspiciously. Did she just ask me on a date?! Is she serious? I feel like she's just tricking me though. Yeah, I probably shouldn't trust her.

"No thanks," I answer as I push past her. I feel her eyes glaring daggers into my back as I walk away. Does she really think I'm that stupid as to let her trick me into going on a fake date with her?

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