My Immortal

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-My Immortal-

Ice cream walked alone in a marshy field, the leaves were flying everywhere. The first sign of Fall. She was really depressed about everything that has happened to her, what did she do to deserve this. As tears run down her face she brings back flashbacks when she was happy.


"Come on Map," she shouted happily for her friend.

He walked towards her, as she giggled. He smiled at her.

"I'm here Ice cream," he replied back. "What do you want?"

She looked at him, he looked back at her. 

"Well since been friends for a long time-"

She pulled out a necklace for him.

"-and I made you this."

Ice cream gave Map the necklace, he looked in it, it had a picture of her and him in it. He smiled at her and gave her a hug.


More tears ran down Ice cream's face, as she looked at her necklace that she gave him. She had found it at the bottom of the cliff. She stopped walking as she saw a shadow. Then everything around her turned dark, tree turned into scary faces with glowing red eyes. The long green grass was no long green and grassy it was all dead, to the most palest green you will ever see.

As she ran something caught her leg she tried to break free but couldn't. She tried and tried to break free but it was impossible. When she finally did she fell on her face and the necklace broke. She passed out for a short time. When Ice cream finally woke up she saw the necklace broke into pieces, her last reminder of her friend. She felt like her heart was ripped up into a million pieces, all those things she did with her friend, Map, was gone. Nothing can change that, nothing!

She picked up the broke necklace and walked away. Trying to forgot everything that once happened to her.....

She's not immortal, but her memories are.....

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