~Brian's song~

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~Brian's Song (Based off a RP)~

Who ever forgets.......one loved one. 

No one forgets......not even ones who can overthrow it....

No even the ones...who can erase the memory...

Cause it always comes back...

You never forget....

I screamed that night she left me, I never forgot how much it hurts. How much heartache it gave me, how much I cried. Your smile never left my mind, the way you giggled when I did something like float on the ceiling when I was bored. But what I did, what I did.....

"Brian! Stop! Please!"

It was my fault.......not yours....mine. I was an moron, a stupid drunk moron. You didn't derserve that, you didn't derserve it....

I fall to my knees in the royal garden next to her grave,screaming, "I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY!"

I felt a hand touch my shoulder I look back to see Taylor, his hazel eyes stare into my green ones,"Brian....please stop."

I couldn't stop crying, you what a wizard's greatest weakness is? Their emotions. I kept crying until I started to coughing, Taylor patted my back as he kneeled beside me. I try not to cry, not even around Taylor, he's the king and all.

"Brian it's raining, please just come inside...."

I turn and look at Taylor, he frowned as tears ran down his face, no one could see me like this, not even Tessa. When I first met Tessa, she was crying for her mother. I knew that I made her sad and brought her to this hell. Taylor picked me up bridal style and brought me in the castle, I cried silently.

Then I hear Tessa's high pitched voice, "Father, what's wrong with Daddy?"

Taylor looked down at Tessa as I snuggled into Taylor's chest, trying not to look at Tessa.

"Daddy isn't in a good mood, Tessa...."

"Why is he sad? Is it because it's raining and he wants to go outside?"

Taylor chuckles at little seven year old Tessa, as she tilts her head, "No Tessa, he isn't sad because it's raining, he's just having a moment."

I close my eyes and soon fall asleep in Taylor's arms....

I would like to sing, my song....no our song. For the crowd....

In my dreams, I see you in the snow.....

where there is no sound, no danger.

My and your soundless voices don't speak....

instead you fall to the ground, what I see is a mistake....

"Brian.....wake up."

My head shifts side to side as I look up sleepily at Taylor, and his hand touches my hand.

"Y-Yes your highness, you called....."

"Are you okay?"

I nod slowly, as he lays his head on my shoulder. I stroke his head slightly as I fall back into a deep slumber........

I hold her close to me as she says, "Sing to me...."

I nod slowly as I look up at the sky.

"The peaceful silence of the city

Came around a fateful night, 

When white snow came pouring down,

As you extend your hand to the sky,

I could tell by your grasp that your soundless voice

Would only live but for a moment...."

"....Silently the snow collected

From the heavens, light would gather,

You looked up and smiled:

"What does my voice sound like now?"

Even if I replied, would it matter since

You cannot hear my voice no more?"

She smiled at me as her brown eyes start to close...

"Can you please tell me if you're in pain,

Can you please at least just call my name?

What places will you see when you separate from me?

Where you go, I cannot follow you,

Please don't leave me here alone

How could you abandon me

When the two of us are sharing one soul?"

I touch her heart with my cold hand, and she touches my heart with her cold hand, she was dying.....and I'm here singing to her......

"There's really nothing I can do,

But hold onto your lifeless body as snow falls

I cry, I sigh, I don't know why I long to hear your voice.

My only wish is that you speak once more before you disappear

From this earth-" 

I choke up and look up at the sky, "-Call out my name!!"

Her eyes closed, I skipped a lot of verses, and wanted to end the song, but no.....I wanted to sing this one verse...

"My only regret, my love,

Was that I never let those words escape my lips

And now I missed my chance and you'll be gone

Without a trace

Even if I scream, you'll never hear

And now your voice will never flow

Within my ears.."

She stopped breathing and died, in my arms, in the snow, I screamed loudly. No one was here with me anymore. I lost it....my song and part of my soul....

That's the end of my song....

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