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            “So, I found something for you to do. The court said it would be considered as community service,” my PO said, opening a folder in front of her on the table. I took a sip of my Vodka and waited for her to continue. She sighed and pushed the folder in front of me.

            I looked down at the paper that was on top of the stack of papers. I almost choked on my drink when I saw what she was trying to get me to do. “Big brother, little brother program? Oh fuck no. You know I wouldn’t be no damn good big brother. Find me something else,” I demanded. She better get this garbage up out my face.

            “Either this or you pick up trash on the sides of the street. And I know how much you hate trash,” she said in a smart tone. I sighed and put my head down on the table. I don’t feel like doing shit for anybody. Why the fuck would I be some little rat head child’s big brother or even worse… pick up trash.

            “Look Chris, you did this to yourself. You chose to assault that cop that night. Now you have to deal with your consequences,” she added. I picked my head and side eyed her. “He shouldn’t have been all up in my grill like he had the right to,” I fussed.

            She raised an eyebrow at me. “My bad, I didn’t mean to yell,” I apologized. My PO is the only person I’m close to. She’s the only person I have some type of respect for. “So… what are you going to choose? Oh and another option is jail time… so?”

            I looked at her and rubbed my temples. “Fine, I guess I’ll do that little big brother shit. But if I get some bad ass rugrat I’m done. I’ll just take the jail time. Shit. I don’t like kids to begin with,” I said, giving in. I got up to put the bottle of Vodka back into the fridge.

            “Great,” she smiled, getting her papers together so she could leave. “When are you coming back to check up on me?” I asked her, so I could know not to do anything crazy in here. “Tomorrow,” she said, opening the front door.

            I scrunched my face up. “Why so soon?” I curiously asked.

            “Because you start tomorrow,” she said in a rush.

            “What?!” I yelled. But she was already out the door. I balled my fist up and hit the counter. I can’t believe I’m about to do this shit. What will it do for me? Not a damn thing.

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