Chapter 16

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            I couldn’t move. Chris and I were just staring at each other from across the room while Kid and Aliya were sucking each other’s face off on the couch. I can’t believe this shit. Why is he back? Where did he come from? What has been happening to him? Why does he look so… different? I mean he looks the same but his eyes are different. They have kind of like a cold look to them. He’s been hurting. What’s wrong with him?

            I tried to say something but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a dumb sound. Chris looked at me, then back at Cameron.

            “Ma, are you okay?” I heard Jordan yelled running up the basement steps. I didn’t answer him. When he came out of the basement, Chris sucked in a sharp breath. “What’s going on ma? I heard you…” he trailed off as his gaze landed onto Chris. Chris’ eyes widened while they stared at each other. I looked over at Jordan who snatched me away from Cameron’s grasp. He clenched his jaw. I looked back up at Chris who clenched his jaw also.

            “Well… look who decided to show up,” Jordan finally said after a long moment of silence. It felt like the whole room was frozen to be honest. I heard Ariel come up from the basement and when she saw Kid she ran over to him and jumped on him. “Reddy! Oh my goodness you’re back. Where were you guys?” she exclaimed. Red glanced at Chris quickly then looked right back at Ariel. “It doesn’t matter. We’re back now.” Kid kissed Ariel’s forehead.

            “Chris,” Jordan stated. Jordan was standing with his hand in his pocket. I heard Cameron gasp. “So this is the famous Chris? The one that wrote you that damn note?” Cameron asked me, getting mad. I rolled my eyes. “Look Cameron, not now okay?”

            He ignored me and continued to fuss. “Nah, this shit ain’t right. I thought you said he was just an old friend,” he said in a risen voice. I put my hand on my hip and let out a deep sigh. “Did you think I was fucking expecting him to show up? Did you? Obviously not. You need to think about the shit you say sometimes man,” I argued.

            I walked out of the living room and into the dining room. Chris was still standing in the living room but since the dining room and living room is an open space, you could basically say we were still in the same room. Cameron walked over to me while I grabbed some wine out of the fridge. I needed a fucking drink. “This is crazy Skye. Let me guess, you’re just going to not fuck with me anymore?” he asked in a hushed tone. I looked up at Chris who was just staring at me. Jordan didn’t move either.

            “Who said that?” I whispered back. I grabbed a wine glass and filled it up. He took the glass out of my hand when I tried to take a sip from it. “Nigga,” I yelled. “I’m trying to talk to you about this shit and you’re just going to pour a glass of fucking wine?” He set it down on the counter. I walked back into the living room area where Jordan was standing.

            “Maybe it’s time for you to go,” I heard Chris say. Cameron walked back into the living room. He was now only a couple inches away from Chris. “I’m Cameron, how you doing man? Is she your woman or not?” Cameron asked Chris, while putting his hand out for some dap. “I don’t give one fuck what your name is. Get the hell out,” Chris said, looking down at Cameron’s hand in disgust.

            “Ah I get it. Cause I’m white.” Cameron put his hands up and back away from Chris. “I wouldn’t give a fuck if you were black, Hispanic, African, Trinidadian, or Hatian. Get. The. Fuck. Out,” Chris sternly demanded. “You can’t put me out of her house. She had the final say in that,” Cameron responded, pointing to me. Chris clenched his jaw over and over again. I could tell he was trying not to fuck Cameron up but his patience was growing very little.

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