Chapter 21

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    When the alarm clock buzzed, I smacked my hand on the snooze button. My body was tired from last night. Chris fucked me so good that my body still felt like if I stood up I was going to fall right back down. But, I have to go to work. I let out a deep sigh before rolling out of the bed and onto the floor. Yeah, that’s how fucking weak I am right now. I crawled my way to the bathroom to get ready for work.

            Using the sink to pull myself up, I felt my knees shake. “Come on Skye, come on now,” I mumbled to myself. When I finally got up, I let out a sharp breath. “Damn, his dick got me like this. Come on now Skye, you’re fucking up.” I pulled the over-sized t shirt I threw on after we were finished last night over my head. My body is beautiful. Damn, I can see why he would want to tear this up. I laughed at my thoughts and turned the shower on.

            As the hot water trickled down my body, I thought about how it would feel if me and Chris made love. We’re always having rough, dirty sex. We’re never having nice, passionate sex. It feels like we fuck the anger out of our systems. Maybe that’s what we both need. I don’t know.

            I heard Chris get out of the bed and he was walking towards the bathroom. When he saw me in the shower, he winked and pulled out his dick to pee. He’s forever peeing while I’m in the bathroom. I don’t have time for his silly ass. He turned back and saw that I was rolling my eyes at him. “Girl stop before I shove it in that pussy. Don’t play with me.” He laughed and stuffed his dick back into his shorts. I scoffed while bending down to turn the shower off.

            “Damn,” he grunted. I waved him off as he turned the sink on to wash his hands. “I don’t have time for your freak nasty hoe ass,” I giggled. He gasped. “Did you just really call me a freak nasty hoe? What the fuck is a freak nasty hoe?” he asked. I laughed and smacked his butt. “You.”

            I ran out of the bathroom before he could smack my ass back. “You don’t need to touch this anymore. You had enough of it last night,” I smiled. He closed his eyes and it looked like he was thinking about last night. “Girl, I tore that ass up!”

            I rolled my eyes. “Please, I had you screaming like a little bitch. Don’t play dumb.” I grabbed an outfit out of the dresser for today. “Oh and do you mind dropping Jordan off at school?” I added. He nodded his head while laying back across the bed. “I’m picking him up too. I’m going to take him to do something alright? So you don’t have to worry about that,” he answered. I nodded my head to let him know I heard him.

            “Oh and Ariel too since she’s here. She usually goes back home when the school week starts but I guess she found a way to stay here last night,” I told him. He nodded his head. “So, when I pick them up I can just bring Ariel back here right? Cause I just wanted to have some one on one time with Jordan today when I pick him up.” He rolled over onto his stomach and started to hump the bed.

            “Chris! Your foolishness is real. And yeah, just bring her back here. Aliya will be here since she works from home.” I wiggled into my tight fitting jeans. “What does she do anyways that she works from home?” he asked. Damn, his nosey ass.

            “She’s like a customer service representative. She answers phone calls all day for this big company and helps the customers if they’re having trouble with any of the products.” I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. “Damn girl, you looking good in them jeans!” he exclaimed. I laughed while scrubbing the toothbrush against my teeth.

            “Them jeans! Them jeans!” he repeated. I spit and rinsed. “Yes I know, I’m a model,” I joked, wiping my mouth and walking out of the bathroom. “Yeah, sure let’s go with that story,” he said in a smart tone. I walked over to him and smacked his butt. He jumped and flipped around onto his back. “You can’t keep doing that. You making a nigga feel violated.”

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