Chapter 8

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            “Have fun yall!” I yelled out to Chris and Jordan as they walked out the door to go to the rec. It was now Monday and I was going to be in this huge house by myself. “Okay!” Jordan called back to me. I ignored the fact that Chris didn’t respond to me. I shrugged my shoulders.

            I walked back upstairs to the guest bedroom. It was quiet. And lonely. How can Chris sit in this huge house by himself every day? I laid across the bed and flipped through the channels on TV. I didn’t know any of these damn shows that were on because I haven’t had TV in so long. I grabbed my phone to browse through my Instagram.

            I thought about the other night when me and Chris went to the club. That’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. It seemed like Chris didn’t want me to dance with anybody else though. Every time I started to dance while he was off dancing with some girl, he would pop up and start to dance with me. Like, it was weird. He could dance with everybody else but I couldn’t dance? But whatever.

            It’s really quiet in here. I got up and used the bathroom. Quiet. I sighed. What the hell am I supposed to do by myself? All day. Maybe search online for some jobs. I grabbed the laptop Chris gave me off the dresser and opened it. As I was searching through jobs, Chris texted me.

            Chris: make sure u set the alarm since u in there by yourself. The code is 0505.

            I got up and walked downstairs to set the alarm. Before I set it, the doorbell rang. I jumped and put my hand to my chest. That shit scared the fuck out of me. I walked to the front door and stood on my tippy toes to look out the peephole. It was a girl. Should I open the door or not? I decided not to I stood by the door quietly, looking out the peephole still to see if she would walk away.

            But she didn’t. She rang the doorbell again. I hesitated before opening the door. When I opened it, she looked surprised at first but then she smiled. “Hi,” she said. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Hello… Chris isn’t here…” I told her. She looked up at the house. “Umm… can I take a message or something?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Just tell him that I stopped by.” She began to walk away.

            “Wait! Your name?” I called out to her. She got in the car half way and looked over the top of the car at me. “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t remember my name. Ever.” She got in the car and sped off. I looked at her car until I couldn’t see it anymore.

            “Um… okay…” I said to myself while closing the door. I locked it and set the alarm. That was really weird. I texted Chris to tell him that somebody stopped by for him. I walked back upstairs to continue to do some job searching.

            I found myself scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed after a while. There was this video everybody was posting that was on Worldstar Hip Hop. I clicked it just to see what was so funny about it. The title was “Crack Head in Downtown Los Angeles Dances”. The date was today’s date. The video was of a crackhead laying out on the ground on a ripped up blanket. I shook my head. This stuff always made me sad because I know that my mother is out there somewhere and she’s a crack head too.

            The people in the video were laughing when they started to poke the lady with a stick. The lady popped up and my stomach dropped. I threw the laptop across the room. “Oh my goodness,” I said, tears falling from my eyes. I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs and out the door. I had a couple dollars to my name and I was going to use that to get on a bus to go downtown.

            I ran around the house to make sure all the doors were locked and all the windows were closed. This big ass house, it took me like 10 minutes. Then I made sure the alarm was set and was on my way.

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