Psychotic Love

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((The characters used in this fan fiction are not mine, The Joker and Harley Quinn are all property of DC. Enjoy reading. ))

Chapter 1: What have I found.

Love is a beautiful thing, you see poor people falling in love, rich people and even superhero's, but these two, their love is psychotic and their names are Harley Quinn and The Joker.

Another typical day at Arkham Asylum, about three am was a piece of paper running through the air vents, it seemed to be heading toward another room, only about six feet away. The room was filled with portraits of 'The Joker', it really wasn't as dark as the others, this room was filled with candles and a smell that wouldn't please ones nose.

A familiar blonde stood fixing the flower beds, that were found right below the giant portrait of that one psycho looking clown figure. Right when she was getting ready to head back to her bed, the piece of paper flew in, landing like a feather with no sound, she heard nothing, but the vents noisy wind.

She headed back and sat on her bed for a while, she turned her head to the left and saw a piece of scrap paper, the outside of the paper read: Harley. She sat upright in a hurry and read the paper screeching with happiness. She read:


We have to get out of this place its giving me such a headache, be a dear and get me out of this fucking place! I have an appointment at eight am and guess what, Harls, you'll be surprised! Remember, get. Me. Out. Of. This. Stupid. Place. Fast!

Hate you,


Harley felt gloomy after reading her 'Puddin's' note, she got up her lazy butt and moved her heavy bed, she got on her knees and moved a oddly shaped stone. "Oh God, why now!" Harley pleaded, while getting her dangerous weapons out of the crowded small hole on the ground.

Back to her red and black colored Harlequin costume, she got her big bag of weapons and said with a wide smile "Time to brake, Mistah J, out'a the slammer!". Harley kicked the air vents silver protector and began to slip inside like a glove, Harley knew that she was doing the right thing by braking Joker out of the small clear case he was in, she thought it would be like a date for both of them.

Harley crawled the crowded hole for about ten minutes and kicked the next air vent protector like a ninja, as she did, she didn't want to fall out but slip out like a snake, but she miscalculated and fell on the hard, filthy, stone floor.

"AHH!" she screamed, as she fell, the Joker was busy getting his suit on and placing his weapons into his black bag, but noticed Harley was inside his cell.

"Get up, Harley" he said, looking down on her like a king on his throne, Harley looked up at her 'Prince', feeling stupid from falling to the ground so clumsy. While dusting off her costume, she seemed to wonder what was the filth on her, but didn't want to think about it.

"I'm sorry, Puddin, I was just so clumsy I didn't think I-" Joker had cut her off by pulling on her hat horn, she looked at him, feeling afraid and unsure about what she has done wrong.

"Shut up! Now how the hell are we supposed to get out of this fucking place?!" he seemed pissed at Harley, but Harley wanted to make him happy, but she always found out a way to ruin every moment for herself. Harley then got an idea, she began searching for her hammer, as she scattered her arms all over her back, until she had felt the cold, dusty hammer pole.

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