The next day

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The child just looked at Harley, thinking it through the child just decided to sigh and frown, "Fine..." he finally answered. Harley looked down at the child and gave a smile, she dashed to where he was and wanted to just grab him and squeeze him to death, but she stopped her tracks and remembered that even if she tried, she needed to get him out.

Harley looked up at the large floor hovering on top of the child, then looked at the Joker calling for help. "Puddin, can ya please help me?" she said, almost out of breath she still tried pushing up the large piece of wood, the Joker simply just walked over to the scene and grabbed the wood with both hands.

"Let go, Harley! Get the kid and get out of here!" the Joker yelled at Harley, all Harley could've done was basically dash to get the child and go down the stairs, she stopped at her tracks only waiting down the steps for her 'Puddin'. The child pulled on her sleeve, singling her to move or get the fuck out.

"Come on!! Let's get out before this place goes down!" the kid pleaded, still looking up the steps he took action as to get Harley out of the house safely, Harley looked at the kid and decided to follow on his tracks. Once outside Harley turned to see if the joker was going to get out of the place alive.

CRASH! CLANK! BAM! Went the whole building, the dust went into the air swirling all around the fallen house, "PUDDIN!" Harley cried, dashing toward the fallen house. The fallen house had nothing left but the remains of nothing but broken wood parts, Harley began to scatter through the giant mess.

The child looked at Harley and felt a very light squeeze in his heart, he walked slowly toward her to at least make her feel better but some force pulled him away from her, he looked to his side to only find a hand.

"Get out of my way" the voice said, it was dark and deep with a robotic twist to it, the boy felt confused why would a man sound like that. He looked up at the stranger to get a better look at him, but the lighting was too dim, he stepped aside but then noticed he was headed toward Harley.

Harley was crying her eyes out, sitting like a little girl she watched the pile of rubble in front of her, waiting and sniffling tears back for her 'Prince', while the stranger was still heading towards her slowly. "Hello, Harley." The stranger said, hovering over her Harley didn't notice a thing, she just jumped a little and turned to face him.

"Dr. Crane?" she answered, with a sniffle she got up dusting herself off. He smiled under the mask he was wearing and handed her his hand. "What has happened here, Harley? And why are you crying?"

She looked at him, upset she turned her eyes toward the pile of rubble, she thought for a second and looked back at him signaling she was ready to speak. "Well Mistah J, he was trying to help me and this boy, but then he got crushed by a falling house." She cursed at the house like it was a murder. Dr. Crane looked at her while he took of his mask slowly.

"Come, my dear ill help you get your worries away, now wipe those tears of of your face, and put a nice wide smile like this." He said, while pointing at his wide, really strange, crooked smile. Harley did as she was told and whipped all the tears from her rosy cheeks, the child was looking at her with much concern, he decided to go and help her to get her mind off of the tragedy.

With a large hug, the boy looked at her with a smile and helped her get up to her heels, Harley looked at him smiling warmly. Dr. Crane waited in a very sturdy way but he seemed to be losing his patience, "Can we go now, I'm sorry to ruin the moment but we have to get out of here before the cops come, or even worse! Batman...." Crane said 'Batman' like a dirty piece of burnt food was stuck on the side of his teeth.

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