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My wings opened. I caught an updraught and was thrust back.

My back erupted in a furious burn. I howled, out of instinct, before biting back the pain. My feet staggered, finding firm ground. My wings gave out. Blinded and useless senses, struck dumb from an overwhelming pain.

Don't think about it!

Don't think about it!

You're a demon, for devil's sake!

Some Prince of the Underworld, I was - hunched over in agony on the ground.


The ground.


The streets!

I froze. Realization set in, a pit plunged in my gut. I was exposed and vulnerable, abandoning the security of the skies.

I dated to look up, to see if I had aroused any unwanted attention to myself - then again, who would miss a giant humanoid with wings clumsily plummeting from the sky?

The two worlds were not meant to mingle, let alone acknowledge the other at all. Besides, the demons chose the underground. The mortals chose the surface and as for the angels... Well, they claimed everything above.

Those arrogant bastards.

Though, despite their angelic propaganda, many angels fell to the Underworld daily. Because of this, I couldn't help but question their courtly rulings and authority.

So easy to fall, yet so hard to ascend.


I could feel their eyes. They were watching. And even if I chose now to fly away and hide, they still would know of my existence. Besides, I was already compromised, not to mention, my wings had already given out. There was no use making a getaway now.

Then, all at once - tires screeching, headlights glaring, a horn blaring. A giant mass heading towards me, trying for a blistering stop - a car.

I reached out, a desperate attempt to lessen the blow. I set my feet, planting them firmly, bracing for impact.

The power was so staggering, I skid with it. Something of the two opposing forces colliding had resonated, the unmistakable sound of a thunderous crash - metal clanking and the piercing whistling of tires on pavement.

Then, a warped sort of noise, a low hum rippling reverberating throughout the streets. And when I gathered the courage to look, I found the source of the sound to be from my own lethal grip of the car's hood, nails dug sharp, puncturing through and into its steel. A brilliant, green ring of light rippled outwards into the air. My hands had ignited, enveloped in vibrant, green, flickering flames.

I stood there, frozen in place for a few seconds, trying to catch my breath.

The summoning of my power was completely unintentional and involuntary, yet in the heat of the moment, I had somehow triggered them.

What kind of hysterical strength was this?

Was this another symptom of my adolescent changes?

How had I not felt a thing? Not a single pain prevailed, nor was there a single evident scratch on me.

To this, something grew inside, a resilient, glowing sensation flourishing in my chest. It was so hysterically impossible - a laugh crept from my throat, dark and heavy, a howling fit of manic laughter.

My teeth grit. My eyes set and narrowed.

My nails dug further, grasping for a more solid hold. The car attempted to backtrack, the wheels spinning in reverse. And despite the resistance of its tires, the car began to move. Slowly, yet with building momentum, it moved - not backwards, yet forward. Towards me, at my own will and command. With all the demonic power vested in my being, I swung.

Painted Lies and Demon Eyes (SVTFOE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now