Louder, Louder, Louder!

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They wore bright armor. Their kingdom's golden star crest was etched into their chest plates and the spears they carried were decorated in blue and hints of gold.

I dared closer, taking refuge in between the tall, wide pillars of the hall. Despite my efforts, I still strained to pick up their noise and chatter from below.

Tom's voice rang out first.

"Guards," They removed their helmets, held them to their chests and knelt in his presence. "To what do I owe the, um... pleasant... appearance?"

Even from afar, I could see Tom's hands fidgeting behind his back. I neared closer.

"Ah, yes. Prince Lucitor." One of them spoke. They stood, helmets still clutched to their chests. "I wish we came bearing happier news but... Princess Butterfly is..." The guard clammed up. The woman offered a sympathetic hand onto the man's shoulder, proceeding to finish.

"Your Highness, she is still missing."

"What?" Tom's voice was quieter than the guard's.

I glided from one pillar to the next. Tom's head jerked upright at the sight. I pressed my back up against the pillar, curling my wings close into me.

His gaze turned back to the guards as they spoke again.

"No one has seen or heard from her in weeks. We have sent search parties to both Mewni and Earth..." The guard bowed her head to the ground. "No note left behind, no sign of packing, no goodbyes - nothing. Even her wand was left behind. It's almost as if she just... disappeared."

A long silence passed. I was slowly descending the grand staircase, easing closer.

"Your Highness," The male guard had spoken up now, after a suspiciously long moment. "You... possibly wouldn't know where she could've gone, would you?"

He stared at them, in what I could only guess was a dumbfounded, speechless look.

It was so strange, almost unsettling. I had never seen him so enthralled in the control of someone else. I had never seen him suddenly struck mute - the Prince of the Underworld, daunted by two guards asking an otherwise simple question. His snappy, cocky, scripted persona had yielded to them. Their curious questions seemed to corner him.

His silence was uncanny. I noticed his hands clench behind him, contort in discomfort. Any innocent person would've dismissed this situation, yet it was as if Tom felt trapped - enclosed in his own web of consequences.

He could've simply turned and left.

So why didn't he?

What was gnawing at him?

He froze. Some sort of fear had him in its grip. Something heavy seemed to anchor him down to the floor. His mouth hung open in words he couldn't seem to find.

What happened to the demon who always had a comeback? A bitter response at the ready?

Now these measly guards had stolen his tongue.

So what? A princess from another kingdom was missing. That was all it was, right?

So then why did he hesitate to answer?

What the hell was he hiding?

"I... no." He choked.

The two guards looked at one another, bewildered. The woman spoke this time.

"Well, if you or anyone in the Underworld does happen to have any leads as to where Star could've gone, please let us know. If she is in trouble, she may need our help."

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