The Truth

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Just like broken, scattered moments in time. Hastily and clumsily, trying to reach out and make sense of it all.

Shattered glass...

Old photographs recovered...

Like some sort of dream sequence.

Memories, resurfacing...

Tom's eyes were inverted, a menacing stare. He had me pinned to the wall.

His mouth was moving and he was saying something.

Background noise dimmed to a dullness and the only surround sound was his voice. The rest of the world sunk away and all that was left was the feeling I was submerged.

And all that remained of reality was Tom's voice ringing out - a low, demonic resonance.

"What is yours is now mine. For as long as you are under my possession, you shall remain obedient. Surrender yourself..."

I was entranced by the way his smoldering fingertips swept across my steady gaze - a captivating, hypnotic enchantment from a single motion.

A heaviness fell over me. The air seemed to tense and smother.

"Listen carefully, Marco. You will not show any affections for Star. In fact, you will no longer talk to her. If she crosses your path, you will simply ignore her as if she isn't there. If she persists, you will do whatever it takes to get rid of her. If you resist my power, you will suffer the drastic consequences."

And then, in an instant, everything flashed. Tom's incantation became lost in an abyss, a dwindling echo.

Gone in a blink. Like a time jump made - a new fragment. A new piece to the indecipherable puzzle.

Before I even had enough time to make sense of what had just happened, everything had flashed in an instant. Like the lightning of a storm.

Different images and altering visions began to bleed together. Yet, despite being brief, flashing glimpses of time, I could still recall it all so vividly.

The strangling grip I had on her throat.

The way she thrashed and struggled to come up for a gasping breath of air.

The way I anchored her down in the stream with my own weight.

The deafening command I couldn't seem to resist, therefore she had to pay dearly for ever crossing me.

"If she persists, you will do whatever it takes to get rid of her."

Her neck, darkly bruised and swollen.

My hands were a trembling mess.

Tom - he was there, shouting at me yet I couldn't quite hear him over the deafening white noise.

The last fragment of recollection - a haunting presence.

Star, laying by the stream. Though, for some reason, I knew it to be the grim truth. Her stillness, her mute silence. Her face, flushed and devoid of color.


I cried out, trying desperately to swat away the hands from my face.

"No, stop - stop it!" I shouted. My voice was gravelly, on the edge of a break, as if I might cry.

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