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It was dark, I presumed, and my entrance was anything but subtle. A portal of flames was often obtrusive and hard to miss. If I had even stumbled into the wrong direction - taken a wrong step - I would've been found out.

The angels here didn't take kindly to visitors, especially the demonic kind.

Yet, it was the only place I'd know her to be. Besides, the Underworld wasn't really meant for her - as much as her stouthearted, rebellious and fiery personality insisted otherwise.

I remember when my father and I had been invited to a royal wedding, the conjoining of two kingdoms becoming one. I wasn't sure which kingdoms - I was too young, probably five or six years old.

The ceremony was extravagant and massive in its size. I remember how in awe I was at the ballroom, how many people attended.

I sat alone at a round table by myself, watching the grownups talk and chatter in the center of the ballroom. The younger attendees, the children of the kingdoms, played together. They ran, screamed, danced, and laughed.

I remember how badly I wanted to join them, yet even at the age I was, my father forbade it. Where other royal kids roamed free, I was told to sit and be obedient. I was to only talk if spoken to and to keep the family's strict reputation. If I acted out, there were... consequences. Sometimes, he even used hypnosis to get me to "behave."

So, I sat alone, watching, awaiting my next orders. The other kids played in the distance, because they were afraid of me - I was a monster, and no one wanted to play with a monster, a demon.

Then, I felt a tug on my ankle, underneath the table's sheet. I looked down and found her hand latched onto it, her face peeking out from underneath the table. She scared me at first - a Mewman, scaring a demon.

She didn't seem frightened by me in the slightest. Instead, she was... intrigued, excited.

"Wanna see something really cool?"

I nodded, lamely and stupidly. She giggled and I remember her smile, the gap from losing one of her front teeth. She told me she could only show me her finding if I followed her, motioning me to come under the table. I did so, though I don't know why. But even as a twinge of guilt for disobeying my father's orders came to me just then, I couldn't say that I regretted it. Besides, after that day, I hadn't felt so alone anymore.

She showed me her mother's ancient, magical heirloom. A wand, passed down from generation to generation. I don't even know how she had possessed it. Her mother probably wasn't looking when she snatched it.

She had become too excited over the idea of using it, that she had accidentally triggered a blast, the wand reacting to her emotional state. The shock wave knocked the table out from above us, sending it tumbling across the perimeter of the ballroom, blowing our cover. The surge of power even reached to the ceiling, striking and causing the chandelier above to come undone. I remember the thunderous sound of it crashing down. Its glass crystal remains shattered upon impact, splitting and crushing tables, cracking the floor.

Needless to say, the ceremony was cut short.

Maybe Star's parents were more gentle, more easy on her punishment. I, however, was quickly removed. My father didn't even want to hear what I had to say. Once we were back home, he ordered the guards to throw me over the edge, to the pit. I barely escaped, only discovering a new skill to my own powers - flight by fire.

I wiped the memory away quickly, though I never let myself forget it. It was the first time Star and I ever met.


Painted Lies and Demon Eyes (SVTFOE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now