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I slipped into the nearest room. The giant doors clamored shut behind me, my body falling into them from exhaustion.

I inhaled. It fell silent.

I tried to recollect myself - steady my shakiness and breathe.

My dizzying eyes frantically flicked around my surroundings.

Table. Chairs.




Wait! The window.

Another blast sent me tumbling forward. The doors were ejected by their hinges. They collided with the ground beside me, torn and chewed by angry flames. Smoke gusted as they fell.

"Tom," I began, ash stinging my eyes. "Listen. I... I'm sorry, okay? I... I didn't -"

I forced myself back up on my feet, soaring for the window.

A parallel light of shooting flames trailed the carpet, slithering and hissing. My feet reeled. My wings frantically tried to catch air - a clumsy attempt to avoid the wall of fire.

I tumbled through them instead, diving headfirst into the wall. I blinked through the sharp pain in the back of my head.

"Tom," My voice shook. "I... I don't want to fight."

"You don't want to fight?" His disembodied voice echoed from all sides. Through my squinted eyes, I could almost see him approach, through the barrier of flames. His outline seemed to melt and morph amongst the fire as he had passed through it. "You've always wanted a fight, Marco. Just admit it."


His hand rose again and swung. I braced myself for another impact - getting up, staggering away.

I was thrusted forwards, beyond the fire, tumbling. I slammed against the wall.

I sat there for a moment, cradling the pain in my side. I flinched, my touch bringing back a hot, slicing sting. When I glanced down, my shirt was tattered by smolder and my skin, irritated and red.

I looked up and there he was - re-emerging from the fire, simply passing through them. No consequences, no pain, no injuries - unscathed.

His figure was a silhouette against the blinding blaze behind him. There was darkness sketched around his facial features, outlining the white glow of his eyes.

Get up!

I struggled to my feet, momentarily doubling over. The searing pain was biting into my side.

Don't give in.

Don't falter.

Don't let him see.


"You severed my hand! You wanted this."

"Just... just listen!" He was getting dangerously close now. I tried to back away, but he had already had me pinned. I was cornered.

His hands reached out, grabbing hold, jerking me harshly by the shirt collar.

"You bonded yourself with Star! Then, you destroy a city. And now? Now, you make yourself known to the Royal Mewnian Guard?"

"We... we bonded?"

"Don't play dumb with me." His voice had altered. His soaring fury caused his vocal chords to descend to a lethal, demonic octave. "You know what you did."

Painted Lies and Demon Eyes (SVTFOE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now