Nightmare at Oruan

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Shots were fired, but from who?

Red lighting flashed as a certain person healed. Riza Hawkeye stood at the threshold, a sliver fun in each hand.

" Envy" she snarled.

" Well it looks like you found me out!" He bellowed.

Mustang glanced at the ignition gloves on the table adjacent to him.
Dammit! I can't get to them! To far away!

" What are you doing here you damn Humonculus?!" The ex colonel questioned.
" We aren't you dead yet?!" He screamed, annoyed.

Envy sighed, putting his cloth covered hands on his hips.
" Well ya see flame brain" envy paused eyeing the man. Taking note that he seemed smaller. " We don't exactly did that easily!" He screamed extending his hand to grab Hawkeyes gun.

This took the poor girl off guard.

Two shots where fired.

Mustang fell to his knees holding his left shoulder.
Flesh wound, he wasn't trying to kill me.
Roy looked up to Riza, who seemed to be hit in the face. She was on the floor, unconscious.

Envy walked over to the powerless man, smiling he crouched down. Envy threw the gun behind him, it landed in the water filled sink with a small splash.

Pinning the man against the wall using his left hand on the military mans right bloody shoulder. Mustang slightly cringed at the pain it brought him, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Envy smiled softly, then leaned in.

" Can you give the Fullmetal brat a message for me?" He harshly whispered.

Mustang opened his dark coloured eyes only to find the Humonculus' cold, unforgiving ones.

" Why the hell would I?-".
The man was cut off when more pressure was applied to the fresh wound, causing erupt pain to flow through his entire body, the bullet wound being the core of the pain.

" Because if you don't I'll come after that little club you like. What was it called the again?" Envy pondered, his eyes trailing up to the ceiling.

" The-host club" mustang coughed between words. His ribs cage racking at the movement.

" Ah yeah that's it" Envy said.

Mustang couldn't hear anymore of what the monster had to say before he blacked out.


Edward was panting, running up the stairs to get to Mustangs apartment was more difficult then he expected! But he didn't care, he had to get to the colonel as soon as possible.

Edward turned the last corner, passing a tall pale man with long black hair with a trench coat. But due to his forgotten military training with the addition rush he was in, unfortunately he didn't give it a second thought.

The ex alchemist stopped at the dark oak wood door.

He started banging on it frantically.
" Hey colonel bastard! Open up!" He yelled.
Edward paused to hear any possible sounds coming from inside, any sigh that someone was gonna answer the door.


He banged on it once more.

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