This is not our Ouran fair...

560 18 6

"Thanks everyone" Roy said with a smile.

A balloon hit Roy on the head, and fell to the floor.
Maes ran up and hugged the man's legs.

" Uncle Roy! Are you feeling better?" He asked in his small voice.

Roy smiled at him, he ruffled his hair.
" Yes I am thanks for asking" he said.

No matter how a hard I try, I can never call him Maes without-

" Hey Tamaki!" Ed yelled playfully.

Roy looked over to the rest of the Host Club. Tamaki was currently throwing balloons at everyone. Within a blink of an eye everyone was in a balloon fight.

Maes jumped up and down with joy.
" I wanna join in!" He told Roy running after them.

He picked up a white balloon and hit his father with it. The balloons where heavy because they had glitter in them. So they could be thrown with a little force.

Roy laughed at all their childishness, but it was nice to relax.

Winry had also joined in, it had somehow also turned into tackling as well. Although it seemed as though everyone was because careful of each other.

" DON'T TOUCH MY HARUHI!!!" Tamaki yelled when the twins picked her up.

Roy glanced at Hawkeye who was still standing next to him. He smiled.

" Why are you still standing here lieutenant?" He asked.
" Go join them" he said.

Riza let out a small chuckle.
" I don't think I would do much good in a balloon fight" she told him with a smile.

" Although it's a shame you can't join in sir" Hawkeye said, clearly wanting him to do so.

" You know what?" Roy rhetorically asked.

Riza slightly tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to answer.

" Call me Roy while we are here".

Riza was a little surprised at this, however she nodded, agreeing.

" Then you should call me Riza" she laughed a little trying to ignore the balloon fight.

Roy laughed with her, looks of pure joy on their faces.

" My Haruhi!!" Tamaki yelled hugging Haruhi tightly.

" Sen-Pai get off me! That hurts!" Haruhi told him annoyed, she was trying to get out of his grasp.
" Hey don't touch me there!".

The twins threw balloons at Tamaki, they both popped on his head.
" Red card!" They shouted together.

" Mitzkuni!" Mori yelled sounding panicked.

The whole room froze, suddenly a heaviness engulfed the room.

Honey and Maes where facing each other. Both with sinister looks on their faces. No one was sure what had happened, or if they were about to play fight. Or actually fight...

" Three" Honey said.

" Two" Maes said, he slid his rear door back.

" One!!!".

The two leaped forward.

" Maes!" Roy shouted, worried for the smaller boys fate. He had herd of Honeys fighting skills.

Edward was suddenly behind him, the ex alchemist put a hand on Roy's unhurt shoulder.
" They'll be fine".

Maes was the first to move, trying to trip Honey.

As soon as Honey had easily dodged it, Renge appeared behind a panel and was ready to call it play by play.

Honey was the second to move, trying to grab hold of the younger boys arm. But
Maes was fast and avoided the attack.

" it's seems the boys are going easy on each other!" Renge shouted, excited.

Then something surprising happened, they both jumped up to kick each other. But their feet collided. They both feel on their butts.

They both looked at each other, they were an even match.

" It looks like they can't beat each other!" Renge stated.

Maes got up first, he stood then offered a hand to Honey. The fight wasn't that serious because one was much younger and the party was going to start soon.
Honey took his hand and got up.

They then connected fit bumped.

" When I get older, we should spar" Maes said.

Honey laughed a little, it was one of the those rare moments where Honey was completely serious.
" Spar?" He asked.
" No, we should fight".

Maes nodded.
" Agreed".

Renge drilled back into the floor laughing her signature laugh.
" It seems there's more to come when they grow up".

The air was left still. Then the whimpers of Tamaki in his corner where herd.

" Tamaki Sen-Pai, where wrong?" Haruhi asked.

Tamaki turned to them from his Emo corner.
" That was scary!" He whispered loudly.

Tamaki ran over to Edward.
" How could you teach your son that?! He's only a boy!" Tamaki argued.

Edward put his hands up between then.
" Hey it wasn't me".

Tamaki froze, his head slowly turned to Winry.

" That's right fellas, this girls learned a fair bit over the years" Winry said spinning a wrench she pulled out of no where in her hand.

Tamaki jumped back immediately.
" Shes scary!" He shouted.

Edward followed suit.
" You're not the one who has to live with her-".

Wimry shot a death glare at Edward. Edward then further retreated behind Tamaki.
" Scary" they both whispered.

" Guys stop fooling around! We need to get the party started" Haruhi scolded.

The air went silent for two seconds. The faint sounds of clapping was herd in the distance.

" Yes, yes" Kyoyas voice rang out.
" We should get the party started" he said evilly.

One question was on everyone's lips.
" Was that Envy?".


Sorry it short I wanted to leave you with a cliff hanger
I'm not sorry

Thank to all the people who have been voting and commenting!
I really appreciate it!

See you next chapter

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