This is not our Ouran fair Part 2

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" It's either that or we'll fall behind schedule by half an hour or so, which would lead to less meeting time with the client. Which would ultimately result in the loss of money" Kyoya told them as he glanced up from his watch.

The whole room relaxed.

" Thanks for nearly scary us to death Kyoya!" Tamaki snapped.

Kyoya looked up at them all.
" Well what's a festival without a little bit of excitement".

Everyone sighed breaths of relief.

" Well let's get going then!" Tamaki declared.

The pink doors opened to the Host Club. Before you knew it the Host Club was in progress.

Roy and Hawkeye sat at a table a but further away from the others, they were simply there to watch and enjoy the party.
Well that's what Roy was supposed to be doing.

Except the whole time he was scanning the room looking for any signs of Envy. He could look like anyone. So he was looking for someone who stood away from everyone and didn't socialise. Because Envy wouldn't know anyone.

Edward on the other hand was as busy as could be. Parents kept approaching him with safety questions for the club. Currently he was speaking with a very concerned mother.

" Mister Elric" the lady called. She had grey hair and was quite old.

" Yes miss?" Edward asked formally, taking out and seat for the women as well as taking one himself.

" I was stood that you are security for the Club?" She asked in her sweet voice

Ed chuckled a little.
" Well I'm more of an advisor, you see I teach here. I was asked to look over the club and offer help to anyone who needed it. Although I can take action incase something does go wrong" Edward explained as best he could.

The lady nodded, she clearly understood.
" Has anything gone wrong before?" She asked.

Edward shook his head, while adjusted the white gloves on his hands before speaking.
" No never, I'm just here just in case. It's better to be safe then sorry" Ed said told her.

Ed took a quick in take, could this be Envy?
She looked and acted exactly like an old Lady. Maybe-.

" Mother!" A young lady called.

A girl with brown hair walked over to the old lady.
" Mother I am sorry but I would like you to meet the Host Club prince!" She told her happily.

No she can't be it someone knows her, quite well.

Edward nodded politely as the two left.
" One down" he spoke to himself.
He then scanned the whole area.
" A whole room to go".

The twins where having a great time being fan girled over by a never ending stream of people. Although they kept it professional, for the sake of the club. They both kept an eye out for anyone suspicious of course. Like they were asked to by Edward. But so far so good.

As everybody else was doing. The whole Club was asked to keep an eye out, to try and ensure the safety of the guests above everything else. That's exactly what they would do to.

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