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"The boy never knew when to quit."

This time, the mug in his hands actually broke into pieces, the scant remnants of the hot chocolate running down his fingers. It was fortunate that he was standing over the sink, getting ready to rinse the mug that his Captain once owned.

The glares of disapproval were brief, but easily ignored in favour of Nyota's insistence in helping him clean up the mess he created. As he scooped up the many shards of ceramic and carried them to the trash, he listened to the conversation that had vexed him so. Being Vulcan, he normally would not allow himself to listen to such 'gossip' that humans - and other species on occasion - indulged themselves in, but he found comfort in the fact that he was only half.

"He alway had to be the daring, brave hero. That much could be seen in his bar fights that he always managed to land himself in," Spock could not bring himself to fathom how the mother could speak so ill of her own child. Nyota had explained one time that human relationships were fragile, and easily changed by opinion and circumstance. He found this behaviour odd for on Vulcan - New Vulcan, he had to remind himself - it was highly improbable for a mother or father to treat their own offspring in such a way. Young life was cherished, due to their low conception and birth rate.

"Calm yourself, Spock," His significant other laid a bare hand on his wrist. He could feel her pushing emotions of safety, comfort, concern through their connection. In this instance, he allowed a small smile to grace his lips, the action unfamiliar.

"It's probably better for everyone that he's dead."

And it was gone in an instant.

Uhura didn't stop him this time when a growl escaped his lips, fiery brown eyes turning onto the offending source. There stood Commander Winona, a scowl on her red lips as she glared into her flute of champagne - it was his understanding that such liquids were ingested at times of celebration, not mourning. The few people who were in conversation with her looked mildly uncomfortable in her presence.

It took him five point two-seven second to make his way around the counter and to grasp Jim's mother harshly by the arm.

"I wish to speak with you in private, Commander," She moved to protest, but Spock interrupted her, "You would wish to avoid a scene at this time, would you not?" Shooting a helpless glance at the staring guests, she acquiesced shakily. Nyota's eyes followed them through the sliding glass door leading into the back yard, the crickets chirping despite the winter cold.

"What is the meaning of this?" Winona hissed venomously, her unease forgotten in the face of her 'adversary'. She wrenched her arm from his grasp once the door had closed. The Enterprise's First Officer had heard many things about the Kirk matriarch: she was ruthless in battle, beautiful and noble. But these did not seem to apply to those she should call family, he saw the woman for who she really was.

"Could you explain to me your behaviour back there?" Spock was deadly quiet, his nails biting into the palms of his hands in an attempt to reign in his temper, "And how such actions could possibly be befitting of a Starfleet officer?"

"I did nothing wrong, Vulcan," Her words were harsh as she spat his heritage at him, like it was a filthy word. Fascinating. A Xenophobe as well,"Why should I have to explain myself to you?"

Spock brought his fists behind his back to hide the green blood falling to the dry dirt at his feet, "I am unsure of whether you are trying to - as you humans say - pull a fast one on me. Surely you must understand what it is you did that could warrant my reaction," His face remained passive, his features perfectly schooled to hide his emotions. Yes, he was angry, but he knew it took a lot more to compromise his control - like Khan , "In what way, pray tell, were your words back there appropriate to say of your son?"

Sharp eyes narrowed, "I was only speaking the truth, not like you would know what he was truly like. You didn't raise him."

A slanted brow rose to his hairline, "You are correct, I did not," The brief look of triumph that crossed her features did not last long, "But from what I have known and been told, neither did you."

Winona's face became blotchy with rage, "How dare you-?"

"No, how dare you ," The First Officer didn't hesitate to get into her space, staring down at her as a dark look settled onto his face, "How dare you speak such ill words of your son, when you were never there for him when he needed you? You stand here, alive, spreading lies about my Captain while he can't even breathe a word to defend himself? Have you no shame?"

"How can there be shame when there's none to feel?"

Those words made his breath leave his body. There was nothing he could say to this woman before him to make her see the error of her ways. Why am I wasting my time on such foolish endeavours? Jim had told him what it was like growing up without his mother, who only saw George Kirk when she looked at her youngest. Who could not see past a child's naivete when he claimed his Uncle was 'really mean'. Who ignored his cries after Tarsus and didn't see him as the little boy with so much to lose.

He pulled back, the fire in his gut dying with each passing second, "I would think it wise if you were to leave the premises. You are no longer welcome here."

"You can't make me leave!"

"Yes he can," Even with his enhanced hearing, he had failed to notice Nyota leave the house and approach the two of them, "And I would listen to him if I were you; he could very well make you too, if he wanted. Which I don't doubt."

With a huff, the older woman swiftly turned on her heel to go back into the house, but Spock stopped her, "Stop."

"I thought I was to leave?" Her tone was icy.

"Not through there you won't," Uhura allowed a scowl to warp her pretty face, "I think you should go the other away. You know, around?"

The silence was almost suffocating, but in the end, Winona made her way to her hover car and drove off at high speeds. Spock didn't allow himself to relax until her rear lights were no longer in sight. He said nothing when his girlfriend took him gently by the elbow, guiding him back inside.

Back to the stares and the whispers and Jim.

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