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"Right, so we just fold these corners to the center, then unfold them again? Spencer, this makes absolutely no sense," Morgan huffed. He was becoming increasingly frustrated with the piece of blue paper in his hands.

"Mhmm, except it makes complete sense Derek - You just need to think ahead and visualise what it will look like in the end," Reid was twisting his paper with ease, and gently placed it on the table when he finished.

He had a satisfied look on his face.

Morgan's scowl deepened when he saw the perfectly shaped green fortune teller in front of him. He sighed, "Spence, I need help."

Reid looked from his own fortune teller to Morgan's, and his eyes widened a bit, "Umm, what instructions have you been following exactly? I think you've made a mistake, or two." He couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Very funny Pretty Boy, but will you please help me fix this? I'm desperate." Morgan put on a pouting face for Reid, and wobbled his lips sadly.

Reid scanned the break room to ensure it was empty, then gave Morgan a kiss on his teasing lips.

"You're always desperate for something, aren't you Derek Morgan," Reid lifted his eyebrows suggestively.

Morgan looked at Reid lazily, "Yeah Pretty Boy, every second of every day; but for once it's not you that I want - I want your smart ass to fix this thing." Morgan said, waving his piece of paper in front of Reid's face.

Reid smiled coyly, and pulled his chair closer to Morgan's. He handed the paper to Reid, who unfolded it to its original square shape.

In a flurry of twists, folds and creases, the blue fortune teller sat proudly on the table before them.

Morgan grinned, "You never cease to amaze me Spence. Which one do you wanna try making next?"

After attempting a few more 'easy' origami shapes from their "Make Origami" book, Reid suggested they try a difficult one before their break ended.

Reid made one mistake while folding his paper, but quickly realised his error and corrected it.

Morgan had no such luck. He folded his paper the wrong way at the second step, and it all went downhill from there.

Once Reid finished creasing the elaborate animal, he looked over to see how Morgan was progressing - The paper was folded into an unrecognisable shape, which made Reid smile.

He took the paper from Morgan without receiving any argument, and undid the first mistake, allowing Morgan to continue from the third step.

Morgan managed to finish making the animal before their break ended, but it turned out to be slightly disfigured; with creases in seemingly random places.

Morgan laughed weakly at his animal, "I don't think origami is my strong point."

Reid looked at him sympathetically; he wanted to cheer Morgan up before they had to get back to work, "Maybe not, but I know where you're strong points are."

Reid poked Morgan's bicep, earning a quiet, hummed chuckle in response.

Reid then trailed his finger from Morgan's arm to his mouth, poking it gently. Morgan's expression softened at Reid's gesture.

Then, Reid began trailing his finger down Morgan's face; but when he felt Reid's finger continuing down past his chest, he stopped Reid's hand with his own; looking at him with a dead-serious face.

"Spencer. Was that going where I think it was going, because it better not have been." Morgan looked at him with a slightly amused expression.

"Possibly," Reid had a scheming look in his eyes, but he was glad to have cheered Morgan up somewhat.

"Spencer. How much coffee have you had today?" Morgan had a skeptical look on his face.

"Three cups." Reid said plainly.

"My God, you must be having withdrawal symptoms! You were acting awfully strangely, give me a second."

"Derek, if I wanted coffee, I can assure you that I'd get it myself."

Morgan rolled his eyes, and rushed to the counter to make some coffee for Reid.

The mug made a clinking sound as Morgan placed it on the table. "Here you go Pretty Boy, a cup of sugary goodness."

Reid took a sip, and let out a satisfied hum. "Oh Derek, what would I do without you," he mocked.

Morgan patted Reid's shoulder, and leaned in close to give him a kiss. "I love you Spencer, never forget it."

Morgan smiled, and stood up to leave the break room, before anyone had a chance to see their overly-friendly interactions.

Reid sighed contently, and took another sip of his coffee.

'I love you too Derek, but you never give me a chance to say it.'

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