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Three BAU agents arrived at their hotel room late at night, after a tough case.

Kidnapping cases always left them on edge, and often tired from their constant alertness.

Their hotel room was nice enough for one in New York, especially considering it was one of the only two vacant rooms available, for a decent price.

Rossi excused himself to the bathroom to get changed, while Reid and Morgan continued their idle chatting while changing in the main room.

After they had finished changing, Reid's gaze started wandering around the room.

Morgan understood this to be Reid's habit while thinking, and questioned what was on his mind.

"Actually Derek, I was wondering about tonight... Will we be able to -"

Morgan silenced him with a soft pat to his cheek, and nodded in response to Reid's question.

He smiled gratefully at Morgan, and went to the bed to repack his bag, readying it for the early flight back to Quantico in the morning.

After Rossi emerged from the bathroom, Morgan went in. This left Reid to clarify the sleeping arrangements for the night with the other agent.

They agreed without issue for Reid and Morgan to share the double bed, leaving the single bed to Rossi.

Reid rolled under the cold covers of the double bed, waiting patiently for Morgan to join him.

Rossi slipped into his own bed soon after.

Morgan reentering the room, and turned off all the lights, before climbing into the bed beside Reid - As he did whenever they shared a room, or were at home together.

They were lying a casual distance apart, as any friends would, waiting for Rossi to fall asleep. They couldn't arouse any suspicions.

After a short ten minutes, they were confident the agent in the other bed had fallen asleep, he was snoring peacefully.

Reid slowly rolled towards Morgan, and into the open arms awaiting him.

He moved his own hands to hold onto Morgan's left arm, which was draped softly around his waist.

Morgan smiled, and pulled Reid closer, nuzzling into his soft, fluffy hair.

He let out a deep, content sigh.

Reid noticed this and turned his head slightly, to meet Morgan's.

He stilled for a moment, to ensure he didn't hear movement behind himself; then slowly brought his lips closer to Morgan's, and pecked them gently.

Morgan responded with an equally tender kiss, and Reid turned his head to rest on the pillow.

They were both relieved that they could be so gentle with one another; it made sneaking glances, smiles and sometimes kisses much easier to get away with while at work.

They feel asleep, blissfully unaware of their telling, huddled position; they were used to sleeping that way at home.

Morgan woke up the next morning, relieved to have plenty of time to spare before the flight was due for boarding.

He was concerned to find that the other bed was empty, meaning Rossi had already vacated the room, taking his go-bag and all.

He woke Reid gently and they got dressed, while discussing the 'unlikely' possibility of Rossi having seen them wrapped up together.

Once they were ready, they departed for the hotel's dining hall, where they found the other team members waiting on breakfast.

There were seats available to either side of Rossi, and they sat down while greeting the rest of the team.

Their breakfast and coffee arrived a short time later, and they all tucked into it, famished from going without dinner the night before.

They all chatted about various things while eating. Work was thankfully not one of them, it was nice for them to get their mind off it every once in a while.

Morgan feared the worst when Rossi turned to him, and whispered, "About what I saw this morning -"

Reid was quietly sipping his coffee, while trying to listen in on their almost inaudible conversation.

"- I have no problem with it, but I never thought of you two to be the kinda fellas, who likes fellas," Rossi stated with a smirk, "I would've made more use of the room in the double bed than you two did."

Morgan could only gape at him in partial horror.
'How had they been caught?'

Reid's reaction wasn't quite as subtle as Morgan's had been - In surprise, he spat the coffee that had been in his mouth over the table, gaining the attention of everyone on the team.

His excuse for this, was that the particular sip he had taken had been extremely hot, and for fear of burning the interior of his mouth, he had expelled it on instinct.

Morgan laughed quietly to himself at Reid's answer and shook his head, while Rossi wore a look of slight guilt and amusement.

The others didn't question his reasoning, but they all pitched in to help clean up the coffee Reid had unleashed upon the unsuspecting tablecloth.

How much longer could they bear to keep it the secret?

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