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Relentless rain battered down on the sheet metal which protected the dreary, old hotel rooms.

The BAU had been called suddenly to a case in Washington, and this accommodation was the best the state had to offer, on such short notice.

Some areas of the rooms' rough carpeting had been exposed to rain many times over; which left irreversible stenches of mould in the rooms.

The room Derek and Spencer were sharing had an overwhelming aroma of mould, which could be likened to the smell of decaying vomit, if such a thing were possible.

The flimsy acrylic windows rattled on occasion, when the wind picked up in strength.

The white cloths hanging at the windows did nothing to hamper the intensity of the street lights, beaming in from outside.

The room was fiercely cold. There was no insulation beneath the sheet metal, nor glazing in the windows; the walls of the room were likely a plank of wood thick, on each side.

The single bed in the room was riddled was stray springs and mysterious lumps.

The pillows may as well have been nonexistent, because of how thin the layer of cheap cotton was within.

The sheet that covered the agents was wet and dirty. They promptly resorted to draping the few spare clothes they had in their go-bags over themselves for warmth.

The sole thing which the young agents could rely upon most for heat, was each other. They were lying close together, their backs touching, but still they were shivering.

There was absolutely nothing else provided in the room to cover themselves with; the exception of which being bed itself, although that would provide no heat to them at all.

The men were still considering any possible options, a full thirty minutes after they had arrived into the hellish hotel room.

Derek slowly turned over, careful not to hit the other agent resting closely beside him. "Spencer," he whispered.

Spencer tilted his head towards Derek, and answered with a short, "Yes Derek."

Derek sighed, "Please, can we get closer. We won't sleep a wink tonight without any heat, and we need to be really focused for the case tomorrow. You know I wouldn't ask unless I was-"

Spencer smiled at his efforts, and before Derek could even finish his sentence, Spencer had shifted back, closing the small space between them.

Derek was surprised that Spencer hadn't needed any further persuasion on the subject, and lay down somewhat awkwardly, with Spencer's back flush against him.

They shifted around some more, trying to avoid the protrusions from the bed, before settling down in comfortable spots. It was infinitely warmer lying closer together.

Derek couldn't keep a joke about their current position to himself, "Hey, Pretty Boy. Can I just say, that the best thing about being the big spoon, is that your beautiful hair blocks out the rotten smell in the room; thanks for that."

He could feel Spencer shaking his head, and could sense that he had just rolled his eyes, "Derek. Go to sleep."

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