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Both agents were exhausted.

Their most recent case had been brought to a swift conclusion, at the expense of time for shut-eye and eating.

Neither man could quell the rising sensation of hunger in the pit of their stomach.

When they pulled up outside Spencer's house, Derek volunteered to carry some of his belongings into the building; to prevent two treks inside and back.

"So Spence, got any food for tonight?" Derek asked, as they walked through the front door.

Spencer looked at him amusedly, "I don't have any dinner left to share with you Derek; sorry if you wasted your time bringing my things inside."

"I was hoping you had food to
feed yourself. I'll call for takeaway-"

"No way! Get going Derek, you obviously have somewhere to be - You always do. I can take care of myself." Spencer proclaimed, as they set his things on the countertop.

Derek looked at him with a blank expression, before poking the side of his belly - Sending the tense agent into a fit of laughter.

"Ha, see! You're skin and bones. I'll take it upon myself to take care of you Doctor," Derek teased, "And I don't have anywhere to 'be' right now, thank you very much."

He pulled out his cellphone and began skimming through his contacts to find a decent takeaway to order from.

Spencer groaned in defeat, knowing the other agent wouldn't be leaving anytime soon; so he went to change out of his uniform before the food arrived.

When he reached the living room he found Derek making himself comfortable at the small dining table; he was in the process of setting the table with cutlery and napkins.
"I ordered pizza and fries from a place nearby, are you in the mood for that - Nice pyjamas by the way."

Spencer rolled his eyes; but he was honestly grateful for the offering of food, and company, "Sure thing Derek."

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it!" Derek hurried past him, towards the door; eager to eat as soon as possible.

Spencer took a seat at the table, and heard a sudden sound of coins jingling, and Derek briskly thanking the delivery boy.

The front door closed, and the feast was quickly set upon the table.

Spencer's stomach groaned at the sight of the banquet, and Derek laughed, "What would you do without me Kid? Sit at home alone and starve?"

Spencer smirked, and threw a fry at him in annoyance.

The food revived them; the pizza was deliciously cheesy, and the chips were a perfect crispy texture.

They groaned as their stomachs yearned to be satiated.

Not much conversation was exchanged as they ate, just overjoyed smiles which held mouthfuls of food.

"Got anything nice to wash that down Spence?" Derek asked, as the final morsel of food was plucked out of the container.

Spencer thought to himself for a moment, and chuckled, "Only water I'm afraid; or wine, but that's hardly what you'd want at the moment since you're going to be driving."

"It's getting a little bit dark to be outside driving in my opinion, any chance of having a sleepover?" Derek smiled innocently, and shuffled off to the kitchen in search of the wine.

Spencer rolled his eyes at Derek's enthusiasm, and followed his lead to the kitchen, to pour himself some wine.

Derek however, needed no assistant in finding the beverage, as he held up the bottle of white wine triumphantly.

He popped the cork out of the bottle, and poured the drink evenly into two wine glasses that Spencer had retrieved from a cupboard.

They spent the rest of their evening in the living room, chatting idly while drinking their wine, and watching television.

"What time is it Kid? I think I've drank just a li-ittle bit more than I should've," Derek confessed.

"Nearly midnight; where are you planning on bunking down?" Spencer inquired.

"Is your bed big enough for two?" Derek teased; clearly tipsy from drinking.

"I suppose so," Spencer's cheeky reply showing his similar level of drunkenness.

They swayed onto their feet, and clung to each other for balance, as they made their way up the stairs to Spencer's room.

They fell into the bed; the combination of exhaustion, fullness and drunkenness taking an obvious toll on their energy levels.

Though, whether it was the drunkenness or exhaustion clouding their senses, they easily curled up together in the bed.

"Say Spence, you don't like the dark, y'want me to turn on a light?" Even in his delusional state, Derek still had Spencer's well-being in mind.

Spencer hugged him closer, "I don't like the dark, but being here with you makes me feel safe. Thanks for staying."

Derek brushed his face against Spencer's, and delivered a not-so-subtle brush of his lips to Spencer's cheek.

"Derek, you're like, more than my best friend, is their a name for that kind of person?" Spencer asked hazily.

Derek chuckled at the answer he thought of, but decided it was better left unsaid, so he patted Spencer's cheek.

Simple wine had given them the courage they had needed to unintentionally confess to one another.

They slowly drifted off, into peaceful slumbers.


Author's Note : "Hey Reader, what did you think of this installment ? Better than usual ? Worse than usual ?
School consumed my life for a little while there, I hope to get back into the swing of writing things for you to enjoy !"

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