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Spencer was oblivious to the sound of a key turning to unlock the front door downstairs. He was preoccupied with an acoustic instrument and a pick; and was trying unsuccessfully to strum the strings in succession.

He muttered to himself in annoyance, and glanced back to the head of the guitar to adjust the position of his fretting fingers; wincing slightly at the subtle sting from his fingertips, as they attempted to press down on the strings.

He set the guitar carefully on the carpeted floor beside his seat, and sat in a cross-legged position; he then placed a book, explaining guitar chords, in his lap to read.

His mind began to wander, and as Spencer inspected his hold on the pick, someone edged quietly towards him; which wasn't a difficult feat as he sat in a plush swivel chair, with his back turned towards the bedroom door.

"I'm back Pretty Boy!" A familiar voice exclaimed, as Spencer was ambushed with a hug from behind.

He jumped in his seat in reaction to Derek's sudden appearance, but relaxed into the hug with a loud sigh; of partial annoyance and much relief.

"Why are you back so early Derek?" Spencer turned his head and reached to rub Derek's soft cheek, "You usual spend an hour at each property."

"I wanted to make sure we had a nice dinner Spence. So why are you abusing my instrument, eh?" Derek teased.

Spencer hummed in offence, "D'you feel like showing me how it's done?" Spencer jested in reply.

Derek sat on the bed and grinned at him; then motioned for Spencer to join him as he lifted the guitar off the floor.

Spencer wouldn't have made a fuss if he had been allowed to sit next to Derek, but he had been tugged swiftly, and was sitting awkwardly between Derek's legs.

Spencer turned his head to give a questioning look, but jolted his head around when the heavy guitar appeared in his own lap.

"See Spence, I will show you how it's done - Now hold it." Derek explained promptly.

Spencer breathed a laugh, but did as he was asked when he didn't hear Derek laughing along - Derek could be stubborn when trying to help people, which often came across while they were working on a case.

It was Derek's turn to laugh as he watched from the comfort of a warm shoulder, as Spencer slung a careless arm around the guitar, and angled the head at an inoperable direction - That angle being skyward.

"That's a gre~eat start buddy, but now, how should you hold a guitar?" Derek prompted.

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows at the statement, and slowly directed the head of the guitar downwards; but as he missed the sweet spot of a near-level angle, Derek reached under his open arms to save the day, by catching the neck.

He demonstrated the correct way to angle it, and poked Spencer's elbow down a notch so that he could actually reach the strings to strum them.

"That's, much~much better babe; think you can handle it from here?" Derek asked, add he nuzzled into Spencer's neck.

Spencer grunted at the contact, and was sincerely grateful that he wasn't at the tail-end of this situation. He tried to focus on the instrument in his lap, and arranged his fingers on the frets to begin.

Derek listened along, not expecting to hear anything impressive, but it quickly dawned on him that Spencer knew what he was doing - He was playing the chords to the song 'Happy Birthday'; and doing a fine job of it.

Spencer played the song carefully - He had been practicing it for a long time, and the special day to perform it didn't come along often.

As he let the final chord ring out, a peaceful silence was left in its place.

Derek affectionately wrapped his arms around Spencer's waist, and leant his head against Spencer's back.

"Thanks for that Pretty Boy," Derek said with a smile.

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