Morgan Gets Schooled

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The young college class was paying full attention to every word the dynamic duo was delivering - The pair's personalities couldn't be more attuned to one another's.

Delivering interesting points about the topic, and teasing jokes about the other's teaching efforts, the young audience were splitting their sides with laughter from the performance.

At one point Reid began on a tangent, and Morgan quietened him with a gentle wallop to his back - Reid was not amused.

The class had never seen such a dynamic pair of lecturers, and one enthusiastic student in particular was hanging on their every word.

As the pair continued explaining the psychological topic of love and its effects on the brain, the student began taking note of their behavior.

The class cried out in disappointment, when the bell rang to signal the end of the lecture. They each thanked the pair of substitutes at the door as they departed.

The student who had observed them was the last one to reach the door, and asked Morgan if she could ask him some questions about the lecture.

"Sure kid, no problem," He turned to Reid, and gestured for him to go pack up their jeep by himself.

Reid nodded, and left Morgan inside the doorway to talk with the student.

"So, what kinda questions you got for me kid?" Morgan said curiously.

"Actually, I was wondering how you'd identify love in a real life situation." She said innocently.

"Hmm. Well all cases of love are different, and whichever you're curious about is no exception." Morgan said, trying to recall the crucial points he had read about, in the paper that he and Reid had studied.

"So, you've gotta look for signals. I'll walk you through them, and you can answer 'yes' or 'no' to the case you're curious about. Understand?"

She responded with a nod.

"Great, so let's begin with the most obvious signal - Attention. Do the people pay close attention to each other? Going so far as to ignore others around them to focus on the other person?" Morgan asked, relieved to have remembered this particular part of the paper.

"Uhh, yeah that signal is definitely relevant to this case." She said with a grin.

"The second signal - Friendliness. Do the people joke around with each other? Feel really comfortable around each other?"

The girl giggled, while nodding.

"The last signal you'd be able to spot easily would be understanding. Do they seem to communicate abnormally well, and have a deep level of understanding?"

She nodded again.

"Whew, seems like a plausible case to me. So what people do you think are in love?" Morgan asked.

"Actually. I'm wondering if you and Doctor Reid are in love."

Morgan nearly choked on the air around him after hearing her question.

"Signals are good indicators, but not always reliable. To answer your question - No. Me and Reid aren't 'in love'." He stated, accidentally enunciating the last part.

"Do you love him?"

Morgan opened his mouth to defend himself, but was at a loss for words. They weren't making sense in his brain.

'Love. Reid?
Haha no, I'm being ridiculous.
Reid would never... But I would...
Surely I don't... Oh God.'

After a moment's thought, he tried to reason with her. "In a way, yes. I've always felt protective of him; from the moment he joined the BAU in fact. We're really close friends, we help each other through tough times. But he wouldn't be interested-"

Little did Morgan know, that a close friend was standing just out of sight, listening to his unintentional proclamation.

'Derek Morgan loves me. But I thought he wasn't... I always knew I loved him... Could this really mean-'

Reid stepped into the doorway, his mouth parted slightly. He was met with an equally confused face when the other man turned around to face him.

The student was startled, and chose this moment to depart; she thanked Morgan for his 'help'.

They were searching each others eyes, trying to understand what was happening in the other's mind at that moment.

"I-I heard what you said... Is it - Is it, true?" Reid's heart was beating dangerously fast.

Morgan stepped towards him, and looked him in the eye softly. "I've always known I loved you Spencer, I never thought you'd feel the same way..."

They drew closer and closer together, until finally, there was no space between them. They hugged each other tightly, nuzzling into the other's neck.

Morgan could feel the uncontrollable beating of a heart against his chest. He moved his hand to Reid's back, and started rubbing it to calm him down.

After a moment, Morgan pulled back. He looked once again into Reid's eyes, and said something that reignited the flaring heartbeat in his chest.

He spoke softly,
"I love you Pretty Boy."

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