Chapter 4- Fireplace Friendliness

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(Continuation of Harper's POV):
A shiver ran down my spine, he grabbed my hand and walked downstairs to the living room. "Light the fireplace." He said. "W-why?" I asked. "Just do it." He replied, his voice sounded distant. I grabbed a match, lit it and threw it into the logs resting at the bottom. I immediately felt warmth fill the room, I was so glad I had a fireplace in the Winter. I looked through the window, it was still pretty dark outside even though it was the morning. I turned around to see Aspen standing right in front of me, he smiled at me before reaching over and pulling the arms of his hoodie and slid it off me. He threw it across the room, out of the way. I bent down and eased his trousers off slowly, teasing him. I cast them aside and slowly stood up. I stared at him, the fire cast shadows of the flames dancing on his chest. I lifted my eyes to look at him, and he was staring right at me. He slid his hand around my lower back and pulled my into his chest. He whispered in my ear, "What should I do with you?" He nibbled me ear gently. "I-I'm hungry." I mumbled. "For what?" He replied. "For food?" He said. I shook my head, a grin appeared on his face. "Say it." He said in a flirtatious tone, "You know you want to." I shook my head again, and he pulled my closer so our chests were pushed together. "Say it." He growled, his fingers digging into my skin. "Y-you." I finally gave in to his words, I couldn't win against those eyes. He smiled at me and leant back towards my ear. "How do you want me?" He asked, his voice becoming lower. What does he mean? "Uh," I said, "What do you mean?" "Clothed or not." He replied, holding back a grin. "Oh," I thought for a second, "N-not." I hope I don't regret this. "Good decision." He smirked at me and tore the packet open and put it on. He stood motionless for a second, as if he was regretting doing this. He stood up and walked over to my phone and put on some soft music. He returned to me and took a deep breath, "Are y-you OK with this?" He asked, his eyes looked pleading as if he wanted me to say yes. Am I OK with this? "Yes," I said trying to sound as confident as possible, "I'm OK with this." He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at me. I put my hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him over onto the carpet in front of the fireplace and straddled his hips. His eyes stared at me from beneath his shaggy, dark brown bangs. He slowly pulled my underwear down and cast them aside. He kissed me softly at first then harder as if his life depended on it. "You. Are. Mine." He said, in between breaths. "Always. Mine." I smiled into his lips, he suddenly pulled away and stared at me with a serious expression on his face. "I-I can't do this." He whispered, "I-I'm sorry, I can't go through love aga-" I grabbed his face with both hands and pulled his face closer to mine. "Aspen, p-please." I said, he pulled away and gritted his teeth. "I can't go through love again. Not after last time." He replied. "Aspen, please." I pleaded, "This time will be different." His attention snapped to me, "How do you know?" "Because I'm not here. And I love you." He froze, "F-fine. But if I regret this, I get to kill you. Deal?" He said. "Deal." I replied. He ran his hand through my hair, occasionally twirling it around his finger. I eagerly kissed him but he pushed me away, "Be patient." He growled; one hand on my waist, the other tangled through my hair. I continued to kiss him, he groaned. "Urgh, forget it." He said. Without warning he slammed into me, causing me to cry out in surprise. His hands were positioned on my hips, mine on his chest. He did it again and again, I called out his name. "Aspen~" I moaned. Our bodies were sticky with sweat and I could see the rivulets of water running down Aspen's body, but I forced myself to look at his face. "Harper~" his voice caressed my name, "Oh Harper~" he moaned softly and he caressed my thigh whilst one hand was still on my hip. He sat up and took me with him, I was kneeling in front of him and he had his legs on either side of me. He slid his hand down to my lower back, I arched my back and whined. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and tugged on it. He groaned softly, weakening below me I leant down and pressed my lips against Aspen's. I licked his bottom lip eagerly and he reluctantly accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance and I surprisingly won. I eventually drew back and saw Aspen's face. He was blushing dark red, and he looked completely shocked. I swallowed, "Um... Your face is very red..." I said, not knowing what to say. He swallowed blushing even more, "I, uh," he said, "I-I liked that. A-a lot. I don't regret doing it." I looked at him in surprise he smiled shyly back at me, "So, I get to keep my life for another day?" I asked. He laughed softly, "Yes, I guess so."

Aspen's POV:
"F-fine. But if I regret this, I get to kill you. Deal?" Why did I say that?! I don't want to kill her, I can't! "Deal." She replied. I ran my fingers through her hair, twirling the ends around my finger. She eagerly kissed me but I pushed her away, "Be patient." I growled, I had one hand on her waist and the other tangled through her hair. But she continued to kiss me, I groaned. "Urgh, forget it." I said, I slammed into her. She cried out in surprise, oh no! Did I hurt her?! She seems OK, I hope she is. I'd moved my hands to her hips, and her's were on my chest. I slammed into her, again and again. She called out my name, "Aspen~" she moaned, our bodies were sticky with sweat and I snuck a peek at Harper's body. I could see the water running down her body, but I forced myself to look away. "Harper~" I groaned softly in pleasure, "Oh Harper~" I caressed her thigh with one hand whilst the other was still fixated on her hip. I sat up and pulled her up with me, she was kneeling in front of me and my legs were either sides of her. I felt my cheeks heat up as I stared at her lovingly. I slid my hand onto her lower back, she arched her back and whined slightly. She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair and tugged on the ends of it. I groaned weakening underneath her from her touch, she leant down and pressed her lips against mine. She licked my bottom lip and I reluctantly accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance, but Harper won. She drew back and stared at me, "Um... Your face is very red..." She swallowed, nervously. I swallowed, feeling my face heat up more, "I, uh," I said nervously, "I-I liked that. A-a lot. I don't regret doing it." Harper looked at me in surprise, and I smiled shyly at her. "So, I get to keep my life for another day?" She asked. I laughed, "Yes, I guess so." She smiled at me, "Good," she answered. "Why do you ask?" I asked, does she not trust me? She smirked at me, "Because I was hoping we could do that again sometime~" she said, flirtatiously batting her eyelashes at me. I scratched the back of my neck nervously, "S-sure." I replied, "I'd love t-to." She blushed slightly, "G-great!" She said, "I look forward to it! Now, let's get that breakfast!" She jumped up and grabbed my hoodie, she shoved it over her head and held her hand out to help me up. I grabbed my boxers and jeans and shoved them quickly on, I ran onto the landing to catch up with Harper who was already walking down the stairs. I put my arm around her and she nestled into my embrace. "I'm so lucky to have you..." She whispered. I stopped and faced her, I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up onto her tiptoes. Her arm snaked around my neck, as she pulled herself up further our lips crashed together. I slid my hand up the bottom of her hoodie and licked her bottom lip, but she pushed me away. "Come on, we'll never eat if we carry on like this." She laughed, pulling me into the kitchen. "But I want to!" I pouted, "It's not fair." I crossed my arms over my chest. Just you wait, Harper. I thought, staring at her whilst she looked for some food. Just you wait, when I'm done with you, you'll be begging me for more...

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