Chapter 13- Results

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Harper's POV:
I woke up as if from a dream, my head spinning, I tried to sit up. I felt something restrain me, and I turned around and tried to fight it. I looked down, there was water rising fast around me. My wrists were tied to something, so I couldn't escape. I fought panicked, trying to escape. I was yanked backwards and the water gushed into my mouth, filling my lungs. Screaming, I fought back the fear, eating away at my brain. I jerked out of my dream, sweat dripping down my face. I fumbled desperately for the call button, and a nurse came rushing in. "Hello, Harper." The nurse said, "My name's Brooke. How are you feeling?" I swallowed, it hurt to swallow, "I-I don't feel very well," I answered, "I want to go home." The nurse smiled kindly at me and passed a small cup of water, I took it gratefully. "Well, the good news is that you'll be going home today after the doctor has explained your results to you." She replied, I nodded in response. She leant closer to me, "There's this really cute guy waiting outside, he's sleeping on a chair at the moment." She giggled, "He looks so cute, I tried to wake him up but he didn't move." "Can, can you find out who he is for me?" I asked. She nodded and left. She returned a few minutes later, "His name's Aster" she replied. "Aster? Can you bring him in please?" I asked. "Oh, is he your boyfriend?" She asked. I nodded and a smile spread across her face, "You're so lucky!" She exclaimed. She bent her head around the door and gestured for Aspen to come in. "Aster!" I cried, I weakly lifted my arms and he stepped towards me. Leaning down, he softly kissed me, cupping my face gently. He pulled away and sat on the bed next to me. "I'll leave you two alone." She says, before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. "How are you, Harper?" Aspen asks, fiddling nervously with his hands. "I'm OK." I replied, looking at my hands. I glance up and see Aspen's cool, blue eyes looking at me. We lock eyes and I glance swiftly at his lips, feeling a blush creep onto my face. Aspen swings his feet onto the bed and pulls the duvet back, crawling in next to me. "Aspen, I-I'm worried about the tests." I finally blurt. He looks at me, and his face softens slightly. "Me too," he whispers, "But-but it'll be OK. It'll be OK, won't it?" He gripped my hands tightly, shaking slightly as he stared worriedly into my eyes. "Y-yes," I replied, "It'll be OK."

Aspen's POV:
*time skip of 2 hours* Me and Harper were standing outside the hotel door, I swallowed nervously. "Uh, are you OK H-Harper?" I asked nervously, she nodded slightly. I opened the door, my hand clumsily fumbling for the handle. Harper grabbed my hand and I squeezed it reassuringly, I pulled her forward gently into the room. "Urgh, I haven't been back here the whole time you were in hospital." I whined, pulling my shirt off, "Feels good to get out of these clothes." From behind me there came the sound of water running, I whirled around and saw Harper standing in the bathroom bent over the bath. I relaxed slightly and strolled over to the bed, I saw the black skinny jeans and winced slightly, remembering what had happened when I'd last worn them. Ignoring it, I shoved them on, and decided to leave my shirt off. I leant into the bathroom, my side resting on the door frame. I smiled slightly to myself as I watched Harper dance and sing softly to herself. I couldn't make out the words, but it sounded sad. She turned around and freaked out, either at my image or me standing there. I leant back and smirked at her. "You saw nothing!" She squeaked, "Pretend you didn't see that." I looked at her sympathetically, "Why?" I asked. "Because I looked stupid and it was embarrassing." She hung her head. "Not at all." I answered, "I think you looked simply adorable. Now, what are you doing here?" She blushed slightly, "Running a bath. W-why?" She answered, avoiding my eyes. "No reason." I leant back against the door frame, crossed my arms and stared at her puzzled. She grabbed some bubble bath and with her hands shaking, she clumsily tried to tip some into the bath. She dropped it and panicking, quickly fished it out and dropped it in the sink. I came over to her and hugged her from behind, pulling her against my chest, I buried my face in her neck. After a minute I let her go and she resumed her task, I watched with my head titled to one side in confusion. She lit a few candles before turning to me shyly, she gestured towards the bath and I stepped gingerly into the room. "I-I thought we could have a bath, together." She stammered, her cheeks glowing a bright red, "I-it's stupid I know but-" "I think it's a lovely idea." I replied, cutting her off. "You do?" She squeaked. I nodded and she blinked in disbelief. I stepped towards her and gently pulled off the dress she'd been wearing. "Aspen?" She squeaked, shivering slightly, "I-I'm scared. I've never done this before." "Neither have I." I replied. We undressed quickly, and she quietly stepped into the bath and sat down. Drawing her knees up to her chin, she rested her cheek against her knees. She moved up to make room for me, and I pulled her against me. I stretched my legs out either side of her, and she snuggled into me. I felt the goosebumps on her arms, "Are you cold?" I asked her. "No." She replied. I reached behind me and grabbed a bottle of body wash and handed it to her. "Here." I said. She turned around to face me, "What do I do with-" I turned her around so she was facing me, and put her legs around my waist. "Wash me." I replied. "W-what?" She said. I grabbed the bottle from her and squirted some into her outstretched hand. I placed it on the middle of my chest, feeling the cold liquid run down my chest I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me. My breath hitched slightly as she begun to timidly wash my chest. She looked so scared. So vulnerable. So... Me. I grabbed her hand and pulled it off, I bent my head slightly and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, "Aspen?" Harper whispered. "I'm OK Harper." I tried to smile through the pain, "I'm OK." She smiled back, though I could sense she knew what was wrong. "I'm OK." I said, firmly and she nodded and continued to wash me. I tilted her chin up with one finger, she froze and her pupils dilated. My lips brushed hers gently and I felt her move beneath me. I licked her top lip slightly and she whined slightly. "Shh," I said, "Or I won't reward you~"

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