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Sarah Metcalfe stared at the clock on the office wall. Four thirty-three. She sighed heavily and hung her head. Today had been yet another long day of answering phones, printing letters, folding them into envelopes, updating spreadsheets and databases. Oh, the joy.

"Will you stop that!" her colleague, Louise Jeffries, laughed from the other side of the pod. "You are wishing your life away."

"Only the one spent in here," Sarah replied, rolling her eyes in frustration.

"And the life I am offering, is what she truly hungers for," Drew Stewart injected from the third seat at the pod. He grinned mischievously at Sarah. She glowered at him from under dark lashes, shaking her head. He was always teasing her. She let him away with most of it as he had turned out to be her best friend since her moving into the area nearly five years ago. They gelled pretty quick as they shared the same kind of humour and he was kind and understanding. He particularly loved to tease her about World of Warcraft. It had started out as a little haven for her when times had been bad, and she only played now and again. But within in the last year, she had become addicted, to the point she rarely socialised outside now.

Drew shrugged and leaned over the pod. "I am offering her a night of insurmountable passion!" he whispered to Louise, after checking that no-one else in the nearby pods could over-hear.

Louise guffawed. "Yeah, right! She's not that desperate, mate."

"Desperate? You cheeky cow, I am a stallion between the sheets I'll have you know," he stood, and after checking no-one else was watching flexed and emphasised his five foot eleven inch frame.

"Ha!! More like a Shetland pony from what I've heard!" Louise snorted. "Got the mane to go with it too," she smirked pointing at his shoulder-length black hair. Drew pouted, pretending to be offended, then grinned and sat down again.

Sarah joined in the mirth. "I do wish you two would stop speaking as if I'm in third person."

"There you are! Did you just step through a portal?" Drew feigned surprise as he made reference to her favourite pastime.

"Very funny!" Sarah pinged an elastic band at him, which he artfully dodged, then she continued folding the two hundred letters she had printed off. She glanced up at him with a smirk. "I have heard every single dumbassed word that has emanated from your mouth Drew Stewart, and as usual, it's just verbal diarrhoea."

He shrugged and threw a scrunched up biscuit wrapper at her. She swatted it away with one of the letters. The three colleagues laughed lightly, before he spoke again. "Seriously, Sarah, it's Friday night! Why don't you come out with us to the pub? Have a few bevvies, then a curry, then... you and I could party on down at my place." He gave her his best smoulder.

The Legion's Catalyst -  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now