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With scouts from the rival factions operating amicably together, a network arose in which information was readily shared between Alliance and Horde. Khadgar, who had always strived for them to overlook their politics for the good of Azeroth, was actively involved in ensuring both the safety of operatives and expert carriage of top secret communiqués reaching the eyes they were intended for. 

Fellow members of the Kirin Tor were pooled to provide aid in such tasks and so the smooth passage of covert intelligence was maintained. As the days passed, they formulated a clearer picture of the Burning Legion's masses. The news was not encouraging.

King Varian had called to arms all his allied forces. His covert operatives SI:7, aside from working with scouts, also sought any weak spots in the Legion's defences. Such an operation was proving fruitless on many fronts, for the majority of the demonic servants of Sargeras were still amassing within the Tomb. To enter there was to invite certain death and therefore lose any advantage the Azerothians hoped to gain.

Production of more complex and powerful engines of war were well underway by the time almost three weeks had passed. High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of the gnomes had worked diligently with his engineers and created battlesuits which would annihilate countless demons; at least that was his sales pitch to the King of Stomwind. 

He'd stood atop a large crate next to the desk in the War Room as he explained the schematics to Varian. Avidly, with an extendable pointer which he'd also invented, he pointed out the various mechanics in the blueprints he had draped over Varian's desk. He seemed almost as proud of the pointer as he was of his weaponised suits and aerial adjustments he'd made to the gunships.

Genn Greymane, King of Gilneas, had assembled an army of fearless worgen warriors, hunters, rogues and warlocks. He assigned the druids and priests to the continually expanding corps of healers which would be much in demand for the forthcoming battle. 

Although he worked unremittingly alongside their newfound Horde allies, his distrust of them was evident. He voiced this openly to Varian during private discussions, declaring his particular misgivings of Sylvanas Windrunner, the Forsaken Queen. Both Varian and Khadgar listened to the grizzled leader of the worgen community, but put forward the argument that old feuds had to be put aside in order for Azeroth to survive this latest threat from the Burning Legion. Genn growled acquiescence with Varian's decision and sloped off to continue organising his squad of Gilnean Royal Guards.

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