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The Keep, for all there was much activity, was strangely hushed. Everyone was readying to leave, grabbing armour, weaponry, supplies - yet little chatter other than what was deemed necessary filled the halls and rooms.

Khadgar had joined his fellow Kirin Tor in the war room and was in deep conversation with them. Sarah almost coyly, passed the doorway, glancing in at the magi. She was fixed with a hard stare from a woman in the group. She had a feeling it was the Archmage Modera, for all she had never met her. Another hateful female, she mused. One could get a complex in Azeroth if notching up potential enemies. 

She carried on down the hallway. Soldiers marched past, oblivious of her very presence. She had to step quickly out of their way, it seemed as though she would be trampled under plate clad feet if she did not move.

One armoured individual however did notice her. He marched confidently forward, four guards, Ocel and Genn at his side. "Anduin!" she gasped. Her eyes roamed over the shining plate armour and sword in its hilt. He carried his helm under his left arm.

The prince stopped as he drew level with her. "Sarah. You must stay within these walls. However, I suggest you return to your chamber."

She gaped at him, utterly stunned at his authoritative manner towards her. "Anduin. You can't!"

The Prince's blue eyes darkened. "Can't what, Sarah?"

"You can't go to war! Your father is in the north fighting as it is. We cannot have both of you out battling the Legion. You need to remain in the Keep, oversee things from here."

"No, I need to be out there defending this realm."

"You can defend it from in here!" She was pleading with him not to go. The desperation in her voice hit a note with Genn.

"What has you so concerned, Sarah? Is it some other permutation of battle you wish to induce?" The Gilnean leader although dwarfed by Ocel was every bit as imposing as the esteemed paladin.

She gulped. Aware suddenly of how ineffectual she was, she lowered her eyes. "No, Lord Greymane, I have no more knowledge of coming events. This is now entirely inchoate territory."

Genn grunted then gestured for the Prince to continue. As Sarah's eyes followed them moving down the hall, Ocel held back. "Worry not Sarah Metcalfe. We will keep him safe."

She looked up at the blue skinned paladin. His angular face although strong and fierce, was nonetheless imbued with gentility and kindness. "I want every last one of you safe, Ocel."

Understanding her concerns, the dranaei placed a consoling hand on her shoulder. Then with a small smile he turned and followed the Prince. Dejected and feeling useless, Sarah scuffed the floor with her boot. How she wished she had some sort of skill or power to contribute. What good was she sitting inside these stone walls?

The Legion's Catalyst -  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now