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"There!" Arcaena said as they turned a corner in the caverns. The swirling centre of the portal lay directly ahead, its shimmering light on the wet cavern walls, like the reflection of ripples off an underground pool.

Sarah sighed with relief. As they had moved further away from where Gul'dan lurked, the subtle illumination afforded by his fel energy had died, leaving them in complete blackness. She had depended entirely on the demon hunter to pick their way through the various rooms and corridors. Clinging to Arcaena's arm all the way and listening to her expert direction on where to step, had not removed the nervous flinches of one who was suddenly "blind"; thrust into an  inky darkness as black as night. 

Thankful to finally have some light, however faint, Sarah started boldly ahead. Her confident stride was soon broken when the way underfoot crumbled and powdered beneath her feet. She glanced down and was mortified to see she had not been walking over shale as she first thought, nor even small rocks, but the skeletal remains of long forgotten heroes. Arcaena, seeing the look of horror on her face, caught her elbow and steered her towards the portal.

The two women exited hurriedly and came face to face with a line of Stormwind Guards.  Long steel pikes were assembled in battle formation, ready to impale whatever demonic creature emerged.  Arcaena grabbed Sarah, preventing her from being skewered.

"Sarah!" Two voices said simultaneously. Tharaei and Erik came running towards them. The mage eyed the demon hunter with suspicion. "What is she doing here?" His normally placid silver eyes narrowed, his distrust giving the orbs a keen edge.

"Steady! What's up with you?" Sarah put a gentle hand on his chest, warding him off and guarding Arcaena.

"We saw what she did!" Tharaei explained, his eyes still narrowed at the demon hunter. Erik stood growling next to the mage.

Arcaena adopted a defensive stance, her talons flexing, wings rippling and snapping. A couple of the guards at the front of the troupe looked at her warily then glanced nervously at each other. They were obviously cadets, their young fresh faces peering nervously out from under the burgonet-styled plate helms. She hissed, causing them to emit small shrieks and flinch back towards their fellow soldiers. Their colleagues low laughter didn't help the nervous youngsters.

Sarah huffed. It was like watching a predator toying with its food. "Please! Arcaena!"

The Illidari sighed, but stood straight and managed to look less threatening for all she towered over the guards. She made the smallest of movements forward and the cadets shrieked again. A small smirk played on Arcaena's lips.

Sarah's attention turned back to Tharaei and Erik. "I will explain things in a while. But I have to ask, what on earth are you and the guards doing here?"

"Oo followed ye!" The dwarf said.

"You what? Why?"

Erik got all defensive next, stabbing an accusatory finger towards Arcaena. "Because o' hur and hur sniffin' ye and flyin' o'er the Keep's battlements an' a'thing!" His eyes scrunched up under his bushy brows. "The lad here,"  he indicated Tharaei,  "sensed there wis summat odd aboot hur." 

The Legion's Catalyst -  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now