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With King Varian and his armies fighting in the north against continual Legion invasions it was anticipated the battles would be arduous and long. Prince Anduin therefore had the unenviable task of rallying resources to stand against the pending assault on Goldshire, and indubitably Sarah's home, Earth. It was not being made easy for him. Resistance from some of the factions was hard to penetrate. Their take on the Earth woman was still out for debate. Her claim of having been "warned" by Gul'dan, even though her predictions up until now had proven accurate, was met with a high degree of suspicion.

Representatives of the associations who had been summoned, arrived at the Keep by the time dawn revealed the horizon. The Stormpike Guard, veteran defenders, native to the Alterac Mountains headed the small procession towards the double doors of the war room. Predominantly dwarves, they nonetheless had the token night elf, human and gnome among their numbers.

The occasional whoosh and pop of portals echoed through the corridors depositing individuals such as members of the Kirin Tor. With them came The Violet Eye, a subsidiary faction of the Dalaran magi. Chiefly human, and in their flowing robes of purple, gold and white, they proceeded with an air of imperiousness through the doors where the acting sovereign awaited them.

The temperature dropped considerably in the halls when two death gates, portals of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, opened into the Keep. Death Knights, whose frosty personas emulated their cold re-animated bodies, stepped through. Theirs was a mixed bag of individuals, ranging from the seven foot tall night elves, who crossed the halls in long, fluent strides to the small, but infinitely deadly, three and a half foot gnomes who trundled with considerable ease on the heels of their comrades. Their black armour flashed with the remaining light of the candelabras. They came to a silent halt inside the war room.

Among the last to enter were priestesses of Elune, all equally fine warriors and hunters as well as devout disciples of the goddess. They were led by Tyrande, whose beauty and elegance was surpassed only by her formidable huntress abilities.

Close behind her, came her husband Malfurion, heading up an entourage from a cross section of the druidic organisations, including the Cenarion Circle, Expedition, Farstriders and Grove.

Once all assembled, the doors were closed and guards stationed themselves outside in the hallway.

All eyes turned to Anduin. The Prince studied the map of Azeroth on the table in front of him; his eyes scanning the many pins which denoted the confirmed sightings of Legion invasions. The numbers were growing by the day as were the casualties to the Alliance armies. He knew what he was about to ask of these men and women would give rise to his authority being questioned. 

Anduin looked up at the faces staring at him. Deciding to just cut to the crux of the matter, he inhaled and focused on steadying his voice. "There is a rip in the sky over Stone Cairn Lake. It was an unforeseen and, up until now, unnoticed aftereffect of the forced entry into the Tomb of Sargeras by the orc wizard Gul'dan. This rip, fissure, leads to another world. It is the home world of Sarah Metcalfe, the woman most of you should now know of having been instrumental in aiding the survival of our King. We believe it is how she came to be here on Azeroth."

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