Chapter 20 -- Kaitlyn

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"Come on! Come on! Lets get a move on" a voice shouted from downstairs. Hundreds of voices murmured collectively to become a swarm of chatting. The mass amounts of sound had been going on for quite some time now.

I sat there on the edge of my bed with my shoes planted gently against the polished floor. The air had a different weight to it today. Not the joyful and homey one like yesterday. No, this was the heavy air of people banding together.

Ready for a war.

Today was the day. This was the day that everyone's lives would change forever in this city. The first ever full fledged war against two people within these walls. The thought sent a nerve flaring up my spine with my stomach in a complete mess of nausea and fear. My throat was constricted with anticipation.

The fast constrictions of my heart didn't help the feeling what-so-ever. All of the seventeen years that I've been alive have I never thought that anything of the sort would be happening.

And just think, maybe if I wasn't here right now this war would go on right now. I would be out there completely confused. I probably would've thought that the Virtue was the enemy, and I probably would have helped Zoe kill them.

I took a deep breath, letting all of the heavy oxygen flow in to my lungs. A deep breath helped the constrictions I felt in my throat but not very much.

Everything has been building for this moment. If I knew this beforehand I think it would've helped me give more time to think if what I'm doing is morally correct.

But it was too late for that, I'd be plunging neck deep into the dark oily water of this battle.

My brain flashed to the image of my family. My brother, sister, mother and father. They all stood there in a white room staring back at me with big smiles. My hands felt weak with sadness. I closed my eyes to imagine I was there with them in that room.

I walk up to my brother and sister, taking them both in with my arms. Despite what they did and how they died they seemed to be very happy in this moment.

Even if they were just imaginary.

They both wrapped their ghastly arms around my body. The way I imagine them was how I thought they'd look now if they weren't dead. My brother was a little more taller than me and my sister was the same height. My brother's large arm wrapped around my slightly smaller body. My sister rested her head on my shoulder as she hugged me.

"We love you sis" they said in unison.

I smiled back at them, holding back the tears I felt for them. "I love you guys so much, you don't know how much I miss all of you".

They let go of me, gesturing to my mother and father who stood next to each other. My father still seemed young with a full head of hair and thick beard. My mother stood idly next to him holding her hand to her mouth as though she was going to cry.

I walked over to them and was dug in between them. They both squished up against me holding me tightly. I could feel their warmth cover my body. "Don't worry honey, you'll do just fine" my father looked in to my eyes and smiled.

"I know, I'm just worried" I sniffed, feeling a single drop slide down my cheek.

"Katie sweetie" my mother wiped the tear from my face. "You're the bravest person I've ever knew. No need to worry about anything. Like your father said, you'll do fine".

"I know" I smiled a bit, letting another tear drip down. "I'm doing this for you all. I promise".

"No no Katie, we don't want you to do this for us" my father shook his head. He kneeled and slightly looked up at me as though I was a little child. "You don't do this for us. Our time has come and gone. I want you to do this for you're friends. They are who matter to you. Do it for Anthony. You know he would've wanted you to do that. And for Crimson. She needs you more than ever going into this. Promise me that okay"?

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