~Desires of a Broken Soul~

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Written By: Zana B. Sparrows

Fanart By: (This is an actual WATERCOLOR PAINTING! I'm so impressed!)

Setting the Stage: So! This story takes place directly after the WTSM chapter "All's Well that Ends Well," as well as the oneshot that preceded this one. It's from Sans' perspective, so he wouldn't have known about the whole Chara arc. I won't say much about the story, because it'll be funnier if it comes as a surprise. ;-)

However... this is also gonna be an angsty one. You know me. I'm going to play with your heartstrings, as always.

~Lime rating: LIME BARS!~

~Also, fair warning: Mild language (And by "mild," I mean more than normal.)~

Sans' Perspective

She's late.

I'm pacing back and forth in my living room, worry slowly starting to gnaw at me. It's almost 4 pm—she should be here by now.

I stop in the dead center of the room and take a deep breath, trying to keep myself from panicking completely.

There's no reason for me to be worrying like this, I remind myself. It's not like it's a date or anything. We didn't even agree on a time—it was just one of those 'hey, you wanna come over?' types of things. And I guess it makes sense for a movie marathon to start later rather than sooner anyway. Yeah, you see? There's no reason to worry. 

...My little internal debate doesn't help much. In fact, if anything, it makes it worse. 'Cause if I'm going to start a debate with myself, I'm going to bring up all the counter arguments, too. That's just the kind of guy I am.

What if something happened that I don't know about? Flowey could've easily gotten to her again, and I wouldn't find out until (Y/N) causes a mini reset or whatever the hell that was—it was pure dumb luck that I was able to intervene that first time. If that grey thing hadn't tipped me off, I would've been blissfully unaware that the love of my life was dying out in the freezing cold... And even then, I wasn't able to save her. 

Or, even worse, she could be purposefully avoiding me. I mean, a lot of stuff happened at once yesterday, and I kinda ended up forcing her into a relationship. She... she never actually said that she wanted to be my girlfriend. I just kinda... went for it, and she followed my lead. And then, like an idiot, I stole a kiss. I mean, sure—she kissed me back, but—Ow. 

I slapped myself to keep myself from stressing any further. Have you ever tried hitting bone with bone? Well, it stings, and I instantly regret doing it... but it has the intended effect. I'm not freakin' out as much anymore.

"Okay," I breathe. "I'm going to stop bein' such an anxious mess, and I'm gonna sit here and wait like a normal person."

I sigh and cross over to the couch, beating down my unwarranted uncertainty as I collapse onto it.

"I'm just gonna sit here... relax... maybe take a nap. If she comes, she comes. If she doesn't, she doesn't. There's no use worrying," I tell myself. "Yup. I'm just gonna close my eyesockets... and try to make up for the sleep I didn't get last night."

I sink into the couch, allowing the worn out cushions to creep around me and suck me in. I sigh as I slowly start to relax, and my consciousness gradually begins to fade away...

Just then, the door bursts open, and an achingly familiar voice calls out my name.

"Sans!" (Y/N) calls. "I'm here—"

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