Lost and Found

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Written By: BlueEyedFoxGirl
Fanart By: June Royal

Setting the Stage: Aha! Finally, a oneshot where I get to use the 'Setting the Stage' section! :-D
So. Once upon a time, in one of the many chapters in WTSM, I made an allusion to a time that Reader-chan got lost on her way to Snowdin. Well, SOMEONE ANSWERED MY PROMPT! This would have happened after the events of "Nooses and Knives" at some point, when she first tried to walk to Snowdin on her own.  

Your Perspective

It's the first time that you're walking alone on your way to Snowdin Town. Right now you're walking along a snowy path, listening to the satisfying crunching sound your shoes make every time you plant them on the snow. You're planning on joining Sans and Papyrus for dinner this evening. Originally, Frisk was going to come too (it was her idea, actually), but she wasn't feeling very well this morning, and Toriel made it very clear that she wasn't to leave the house under any circumstances. So you gave the bros a call and wanted to cancel dinner, but Papyrus insisted that, you at least should come over to join them. Not wanting to disappoint your new friends, you accepted. And so... here you are. Walking through the snow. Alone. Even though you'd made sure to ask Frisk for directions before you left, it's a little difficult for you to remember the exact way to the Skelebros' House. You never really paid much attention to it while you was walking with Frisk, and you've already forgotten which way she told you to go. She always seemed so confident as the two of you traveled that you usually just blindly trusted her and went wherever she said to go.

I guess that's what I get for being lazy and not trying to draw a map, or something.

While you're walking beside the forest, a tiny path through the trees catches your eye. It's obvious that it isn't the way to Snowdin, but you're curious where it goes. You still have time, so why not explore it? If it turns out to be a secret path to a cave or something like that, you could show it to Frisk when she gets better. You're sure she would love that. Setting one foot in front of the other, you leave the beaten path and wander into the forest. As soon as you enter, you begin to marvel at the size of the trees and the contrast that the dark tree trunks make against the snow. Snowflakes are dancing through the trees, like little fairies riding on the wind. Completely in awe at the beauty of nature, you continue deeper into the forest. You wander around admiring your surroundings, too absorbed in looking around to go in any specific direction.

After a while, the trees stop and reveal a huge cliff. It seems to stretch out across the whole Underground—you can't even see its ends. Trees extend as far as the eyes can see, and everything is coated in snow. It's a breathtaking view, and it makes the whole tangent totally worth it.

I definitely have to show this to Frisk. I'm sure she would love this.

Completely stunned by your discovery, you sit down on a nearby tree stump and relax, taking in the calming atmosphere of the forest around you.

You don't know how long you've been sitting here, but before long, you could feel the wind getting stronger. You shiver at a sudden gust of wind, and try in vain to shield your skin from the piecing cold.

I should really get going.

You stand up and start to walk back the way you came from.

Every moment you're out here, the snowflakes become thicker, and the trees are starting to make ominous cracking sounds from the strong wind. Your footprints from before are already fading into nothingness. A strong gust of air takes you by surprise, and nearly knocks you of your feet. Luckily you're standing next to a tree, and managed to catch yourself before you land face first in the snow. The wind is howling mercilessly and it's already getting dark. Thick bundles of snowflakes, which were nothing but delicate little beauties not too long ago, are thrown against your face, causing you to squint your eyes to try and protect them from the freezing cold. Searching for support, you lean on a nearby tree and try to remember which way you came from. Your footprints are completely gone by now, and your phone battery is dead.

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