Food Brings People Together

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Written By: Pep Pizza (P.S: Sorry it took so long! Its length intimidated me. XD )

Fanart By: Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance

Setting the Stage: Could, again, happen pretty much anytime. Maybe before "Memories Lost to the Void," though. I dunno. Just a thought. :3

Your Perspective

You'd just woken up not too long ago, and you were now in the kitchen helping out with Papyrus and his magnificent spaghetti pancakes. Frisk wasn't up yet, since the previous day had completely worn her out. The four of you had all stayed up pretty late.

To make sure that breakfast was actually going to be edible, you had volunteered to help out. Papyrus had been ecstatic, and practically pushed you all the way to the kitchen. You had quickly learned that Papyrus couldn't be trusted with the batter ("No Paps, you don't put the eggshells in, too!"), so you put him on pasta duty. (He insisted that there must be pasta, so you supposed you could mix it into the batter at the end.) Now you were busy mixing the pancake batter, while Papyrus eagerly stirred the noodles. You had to keep a constant watch on him to make sure he wasn't flinging things on the walls, or adding extra ingredients.

"Paps, are you adding flour?"

The substance was in a small container, but from far away, it looked too powdery to be sugar or salt.


You couldn't help smiling a bit, even though you knew this probably wasn't going to end well.

"And that is...?"

Papyrus paused for a moment, squinting at the container's label.

"BAKING SODA!" he read happily.

You quickly informed him that pasta didn't need baking powder to cook. Papyrus had seemed slightly disappointed, but when you suggested putting in salt instead, he was more than happy to oblige.

So, just what were you doing in the skele-bros' house so early in the morning? Well, you and Frisk had decided to have a sleepover at their house! Frisk was very enthusiastic about the whole idea, and even Toriel herself had agreed to the plan. You had been excited too--not just because you could stay over at their house, but also because you could spend more time with Sans. (Frisk had relentlessly teased you on that.)

Ever since the day he confessed, things have gotten a lot more smooth. Sure, there were still those awkward moments where the both of you were blushing until you were a completely different color, but honestly, you preferred this over the days where Sans would just keep to himself. Lately, he's seemed a lot more relaxed and comfortable. You're glad that he's finally feeling better, and getting over his fears of Resets. His pun rates are also going off the charts. You're almost constantly laughing your head off over him.

Finally, the noodles were done. Papyrus lifted the pot of pasta, and you managed to stop him right before he dumped the whole thing into the batter. You had headed to the sink to instruct him on filtering out the water, but when you realized how tall the sink was, you were starting to have second thoughts. Thankfully, Papyrus was tall enough to complete the deed himself, and afterwards, you helped him scrape the noodles into the batter. Hopefully, it would taste better than it looked.

After retrieving some pans and working on the food, you and Papyrus had finished. You now had four big plates of steaming pancakes stacked atop one another. Little pieces of pasta noodles stuck out of them. They were slightly burned, but you suspected it would be fine. The sauce's taste would be more than enough to cover that up.

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