~The Mysteries of Biology~

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Written By: Zana B. Sparrows

Fanart By: No Fanart this time! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to put up my favorite comic by Zarla. :-)

Setting the Stage: This one is a direct continuation of "Desires of a Broken Soul."

~Lime Alert: Limeonade~

Your perspective

You're hard at work in the skelebros' kitchen, trying your best to somehow navigate amidst the antics of your two co-chefs. When you'd originally offered to make dinner for everyone, you'd hoped that you might end up doing it alone. After that whole thing with Chara last night, and then your... uh... encounter with Sans earlier, you need some time to sort through your whirlwind of thoughts. However, seeing as you're encroaching on "master chef" Papyrus's territory, you feel you have no right to complain when he and your little sister insist on helping you.

That doesn't mean you're just going to let them do whatever, though. You're trying your hardest to keep Papyrus as far away from the stove as possible-the last thing you want is for him to use his overflowing passion to burn the house down. Instead, you've given him the task of chopping up the veggies.

But you're not even sure you can trust him with that-he seems to want to smash them with his fists. So, as a result, Frisk has become his unofficial overseer. She's trying to keep him from going overboard, and is currently demonstrating how to cut the squash and zucchini into neat semi-circles. If it weren't for her guidance, you have the feeling that there would be little pieces of squash, zucchini, and mushroom splattering all over the recently polished tile floors.
You laugh quietly to yourself as you watch the two of them, lazily shifting around the onions that you're in the process of sautéing.


Frisk sighs and grabs her whiteboard, her furrowed brow showing that her patience with the skeleton is starting to wear thin. You'd already shown Papyrus the bowtie pasta that you're boiling, but he seems to be rejecting the fact that spaghetti and bowties are basically the same thing.

As you continue to watch Frisk try (in vain) to explain what vegetables are, you start to zone out, muscle memory alone driving your cooking efforts.

You... you can't stop thinking about Chara. Ever since you woke up this morning, you've been worrying incessantly about her. That's why you'd waited so long to leave the ruins-you'd been... kind of afraid to leave. What if she'd somehow found a way to manifest outside of the void, so she could finish you off like she'd threatened? For all you knew, a step out of the ruin door meant sudden death by knife. Luckily, that wasn't the case. That doesn't keep you from worrying, though. She could be biding her time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...

You sigh, your hand instinctively brushing against your pocket. You'd made sure to start carrying a pocket knife with you. It's a pathetic effort at self-defense... but it's an effort all the same. And, even though you know that Chara could probably kill you before you could so much as reach for your pocket, having it there at least makes you feel a little bit more secure.

But, even as you're considering all the innumerable ways she could kill you... you still can't get those images out of your head. Chara locked in the cellar. Chara being circled by a child predator. Chara attempting suicide. Chara giving her life for the monsters. It's just... you're just experiencing so many conflicting emotions toward her at once. You empathize with her, but you can't forgive her. You pity her, but you despise her. You feel nostalgic towards her, and yet when you think about her... all you can remember is that last, triumphant smile she gave you before she stole your brother from you.

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