Fuck I Lost My Phone (Zana is currently having issues naming chapters)

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Written By: JustSamiScig
Fanart By: Ja' Crispy
Setting the Stage: Uh... Uh... Earlyish? Maybe? (Is rushing to get stuff done)

~Your Perspective~

VRRRR. VRRRR. Your phone impatiently buzzed on the nightstand next to your bed.

"Go away..." You mumble pulling your blanket over top of your head to try and block out the annoying device's pleas. It was Sunday, meaning you didn't have to work today, so you decided to try and sleep in for once. You finally give in and fully wake up. After stretching a bit, you check your phone to find many texts from Sans.

"Hey, whats up Buttercup" Sans 9:45

"Buttercup, ya up yet?" Sans 10:00

"(Y/N)? I thought we were going to hang out today?" Sans 10:07

"Buttercup, you're usually up by now" Sans 10:10

"(Y/N) Don't tell me you're sick again???" Sans 10:13

"Awe crap!" You silently scold yourself. You completely forgot about your plans today.. Reaching for your phone, you decide to text back your impatient boyfriend.

"Hey, sorry I slept in today, Didn't mean to worry you" You 10:15

"Its fine, I just care about you, ya' know" Sans 10;15

"Aw, anyways, I'll be there in a little bit, just gotta get ready" you 10:16

" Alright see ya then, don't get lost on your way again ;)" Sans 10:17

"Saaaaaaaans, " You 10:17

"And don't fall into a snowdrift either, I don't want a (y/n)-sicle" Sans 10:18

"Saaaans, its too early for bad jokes" You 10:18

"Alright, alright, see you soon." Sans 10:19

"See ya" you 10:19

You put your phone down and jump down from bed, deciding to get dressed. The moment your feet touch the ground, the door to your room flies open and your tackled by a blue and purple bullet of energy. After tackling you, frisk bounces excitedly on your stomach.

'Goat mom made pancakes!' Your little sister happily signs to you.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming, give me a minute." you respond, slowly sitting up. Frisk excitedly pulls you to your feet and drags to the kitchen for pancakes. After the quick breakfast, you're able to sneak back to your room to get ready for the day.

It takes you a while but you're finally on the familiar trail to Snowdin. Listening to your favorite song, you can't help but lose yourself in the music and hum along, allowing you to fail to notice the jagged rock in your path...

"Gahh!" You yell, tripping over the rock, scraping your leg in the process. Ouch. You now have a new tear in your already ripped up jeans, and a small trail of blood lazily making its way down your calf.

"Damn it... these were my favorite jeans too." you whine, wiping the snow and blood off your poor leg. "That's it, no more music on the way to snowdin." You pull yourself up and brush off the snow that was on you.

You finally make it to the skelebros house, and just as you're about to open the door, it flies open and you're faced with the taller (and louder) of the two brothers.

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