The Move

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I stared at the empty while house before me, it's old frame seemed to be on its last legs. Sighing I hoisted up the boxes next to my feet, and walked into the old home. With the floor boards creaking under my weight I sighed once again.

"You seem to be sighing a lot Aud. Is something wrong?" My father asked

"No I am just already missing the busyness of New York. I'm so used to all the noise l think that it will take a while to get used to the silence of this town. Plus I doubt that there will be a way to street fight in this sleepy little community." I replied to my father as he walked up the flight of winding stairs to the upper floor. He nodded his head and walked into the master bedroom. I walked into my new room longing for my old, and inviting bedroom in New York. Sighing for the third time in the last hour, I light placed the box of box onto the old hard wood floor. After four more trips up and down the old stairs i finally collected the rest of my boxes. Placing them in neat stacks I start to unpack, slowly but surly, emptying box after box. After three hours of unpacking I was finished, and just in time, seeing as my mother called from down stairs.

"Aud honey we are going to get take out. Anything you want?" My mother yelled.

"No mum." I replied, I may not be British but I surly speak like I am.

"Okay, well your father, brothers and i are going to eat out. So you will be here alone. And if any of our neighbors come by, at least be civil." My mum yelled to me.

"Okay mum." I yelled, rolling my eyes. I hear the front door open and close, notifying me that they left. Pulling out my phone, i pull up my spotify, and pull a random playlist. My parent had come here yesterday and set up the cable and wifi. The Strays by Sleeping with Sirens started to play. Singing loudly, I stared to place everything i had unpacked to the spots i saw fit for them. Near the end of the song the door bell rang.

'Great neighbors. How awesome.' I thought, please note the sarcasm dripping from it. Rolling my eyes at myself i walked to the door. Opening the door, i saw a man in his fourty's a woman that looked the same age, and a guy wearing a leather jacket, he looked to be about my age. I smiled, and im not usually one to smile. But my mother said to be civil so, smiling it was.

"Hi how can i help you?" I asked politely. The woman smiled at me.

"Hello, im Sandra, this is my husband Jerry, and this is our son Mason. We are you neighbors." She said ecstatically.

'Duh' my brain said, i had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at myself.

"Okay well, im Audrey, my brothers and parents are out right now, but maybe later they will be here." I replied still smiling, yes i have brothers, three of them to be exact. Toby, Jack, and Cass. Toby and Jack are twins, and both are a year older than me, so 17, and Cass is the youngest of us all being one year younger than me.

"Oh what are your brothers names?" Sandra asked.

"Toby, Jack, and Cass." I replied

"Oh well how old are they?" She asked.

'Oh my god lady, what is this? An interrogation?' i asked myself, i had to stifle a laugh at the thought.

"Toby and Jack are twins, both 17, im 16, and Cass is 15." I replied. My face muscles are starting to hurt from all this smiling. I swear i saw the guy, Mason 's interest peak in the conversation.

"Oh your 16, perfect so is my Mason." Sandra said. No wonder he was interested, if only he knew about my street fighting. That is what scared away almost all the guys at my old school. They were scared of me, and that gave me power. Now dont get me wrong, i want the type of person to pick on people, i was quiet, mysterious, and usually avoid anyone that wasn't my two friends, Alice and Jay. But one day during school, i was going to my locker when some jocks decided to try and trip me. Try being a key word, I started to fall when my instincts from fighting kicked in. I ducked my head and rolled out of it, then i jumped up. The jocks were laughing, one the most out of all of them. Now i was fuming, i stopped my over to him and glared at him. God if looks could kill that guy would have been about fifty feet underneath me at that point.

"Did you just fucking trip me?" I asked, anger clear in my voice, he stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Yeah what are you going to do about it?" He asked smirking. At this point everyone in the hallway was watching us, waiting to see my reaction. I smirked back at him.

"This." Was all i said before i head butted him, breaking his nose. He growled and tried to punch me, but his moves were sloppy, and i skillfully dogged. Two jocks came at me at the same time, and a few seconds later they were both out for the count. 'Ohs' and 'wows' came from the crowd as i walked to my class. Coming back into reality, Sandra was asking me another question.

"How about I have Mason show you around town after school tomorrow?" Sandra asked, Mason didnt seem keen of the idea, and trust me neither was i, but before i could say anything Sandra started to talk.

"Great. Oh and we made you this." She said holding out a pie, i took it, said goodbye and closed the door. Glancing at the clock on the kitchen wall, i saw that i was talking to her for about 45 minutes.

'Ew, i have school tomorrow.' My brain reminded me. Ew was right. Walking back to my room i pilled my head phones out of the drawer i had placed them in, plugged them into my phone and laid on my bed, and slowly drifted to sleep

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