What the fuck does he want me to do about it?

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*if you don't remember from last chapter*
Or at least till the bell rang..... I walked out into the hallway that was jam-packed with students, only for someone... I suspect Mason... to grab my forearm and drag me into an empty classroom.

"Let me the fuck go." I growled at them. I turned around to face.........

Jay Fucking Reeds.....

"What the fuck are you doing? You better let go of me you dick." I seethed as I ripped, or tried to, my arm away from him.

"I want to talk to you. I'm so sorry for what I did in New York. I was rash about it and angry that I had lost. Then I realized that I really did like you and that you weren't just a bet. It took me almost losing you by my own hand then you disappearing to realize this. I just want you to forgive me. I am so, so sorry Aud-" he never finished because I cut him off.

"Don't call me that." I growled lowly.

"What?" He replied, finally letting go of my arm.

"Do Not Call Me Aud. My name is Audrey and that is what you will call me. "Aud" is for people I love and trust, and you, Jay, are not one of those people. I don't care if you liked me. I was a fucking bet at first, and that has eliminated any chances of me forgiving you. So just leave me the fuck alone before you fucking regret ever meeting me, or making me a bet." I yelled at him, he backed up and flinched slightly.

"Audrey, please?" He whispered, his voice almost inaudible.

"No." I growled then walked out the door and into the empty hallway. Sprinting as fast as I could I got out of the school at what seemed an inhuman speed. I ran about three miles before the exhilaration from the encounter with Jay finally wore off. Panting I looked around, only to see that I was at an abandoned build that I had found not so long ago. About two weeks ago I was walking to clear my mind when I stumbled into this place. I walked quickly back to town and bought some spray paint then want inside. I had found a black brick wall and just painted all of my feelings out. It ended up being a badass skull (picture above). Back to reality, I walked into the building, and sat on the old dusty floor. Not wanting to wallow in my self pity, I walked fast lay to town and to my fight bar. Fight after fight I fought off some of my toughest competitors, fighting off all emotion. I was finally stating to calm down, until my next fight was called.

"Undefeated champion Aud verses semi-new fighter Jay." The ref announced, the cheers from the crowd was rapturous at it felt the ground was rumbling beneath my feet. I walked into the stage and so did Jay.

'I didn't think it would actually be him." I thought as Jay came into the ring. The bell rang and Jay grinned. He automatically took the offense just as they always did. I was in defense, blocking all his blows with my quick timed reflexes. Getting tired of the same old thing, i switched to offense so quickly he didn't even notice. With a quick timed jab to the gut, and a right hook, Jay was on the ground, but he stood up. He sloppily punched but I dogged and pushed him into the ground. I kneeled next to him keeping my distance so he couldn't grab me, and whispered,

"Next time just stay down and leave me the hell alone." I stood as the ref called the winner, me. I gathered the almost 4,000 dollars I gained and walk home. When I stepped into the threshold of the home I was automatically ambushed by a stampede of my brothers.

"Are you okay?"

"Did something happen?"

"Where did you go?"

"Why did you leave school?" All of my brothers were asking questions at once. I put my fingers in my mouth and whistled as loud as possible. The all shut up.

"Okay before any of you go on a rant I have something to tell you," I took a deep breath than continued " Jay is back." I finished quietly. That was all it took for all of my brothers to attack me in a giant hug. They soon backed off.

"What happened honey?" asked Toby as Cass put his hand on my shoulder.

"The other day when I was on my walk with Scott I ran into him at the park. I flipped out on him and punched him. Then today he cornered me in school. I ran out of there as fast as I could." I told them, cases came and crushed me with a hug. He was about an inch taller than me, so when he pulled back I looked up at him. Toby and jack looked at me , both very concerned about me.
"It's going to be okay Aud. No matter what we won't let him hurt you again." Today said

"Thanks Toby, I'm gonna go to the game room." Toby nodded and I walked downstairs into the game room. Just as I turned on my Xbox I got a text from Mason.

Mason: I'm so sorry that I broke up with you please let me explain.

Audrey: Fine you can come over. I'll let you explain but you have to tell me everything. And that means no lying. I'll give you three minutes to get your ass over here or you loose your chance.

Less than two minutes later Mason was knocking at the door. Toby opened up the door and almost punched Mason but I stopped him.

"Toby don't I'm going to talk to him." I said Toby grunted but backed up non of the less. I turned around and walked into my room with Mason following me.

"You have five minutes. Explain." I said sitting on my desk.

"In sorry aud. I had to brake up with you. I was threatened. They said that if I didn't become unattached agin that they would kill you and make me watch then kill me. I didn't want you to be hurt. I love you will every fiber in my body and I know that you love me to. Please take me back. I promise I won't hurt you again. I'm so so sorry."  Mason said. I sat there for a minute.

"Okay." Was all I said.

"Wait what?" He asked confused.

"Okay I'll take you back. On one condition." I said again.

"Okay what is- OWW." He was cut off when I punched him in the stomach.

"Okay I deserved that." He said under his breath

"More than you know." I replied. Once he was done holding his stomach in pain he came closer to me and kissed me. I kissed back instantly. After about a minute the kiss turned into an intense make out session. I pulled away out of breath. Both Mason and I panting.

"God I missed you." He said in between breaths.
I know I haven't updated in a really long ass time but here's the newest chapter. And thanks to everyone who has read this. I'm running out of ideas so in sorry to say that this story is coming to an end soon. But I'm going to start a new story. Thanks for everyone who actually read this.

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