What a way to ruin a perfect walk .

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I had finished getting ready so Scott and I went on our walk. We were walking around the nature park when we ran into a group of people from school. And guess what they were doing. Drugs.. jk. They were gossiping. Stretching my listing skills I listened as we walked past.

"So is the new kid cute?" One asked

"All I heard was that his name is Jay Reeds And that he was a Junior." Another one replied. Wait.. back up... did she say Jay Reeds? Yup she definitely did. Shit. I'm totally screwed. As me and Scott was someone caught my eye. He had black hair that was up in a quiff style and dark blue eyes.

"Oh shit." I didn't relize I had said it out loud until Scott looked at me.

"What's up?" He asked

"Jay." That's all I had to say and Scott understood right away. I had told him about my whole history. He knew everything about my past. That's why I trust him so much.

"Okay let's just go this way to ge-" Scott was cut off as my name was called.

"Hey, Audrey, long time no see right?" I turned to see who had called my name even though I knew right away. Yup it was Jay. He walked toward Scott and I. He was standing next to us when I finally talked.

"Piss off Jay. You did you come back? Why did you even thing that I would give you a minute of my time after you almost stopped it. You almost killed me, I would have died if someone had not found me in that ally. Now get out of my face. I'm sooo much stronger than I was last time and I won't hesitate to hurt or kill you." I said in the verge of yelling at him. He didn't move so I pushed his shoulders causing him to stumble backwards. He didn't expect me to be so strong.

"You bitch. You need to be put in your place. I am so much stronger than you." Jay says as he stands up from his place in the ground.

"Oh really?? I need to be put in my place. Yeah right says the guy who ALMOST KILLED ME! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE LEFT BROKEN, AND STABBED IN AN ALLEYWAY BLEEDING TO DEATH. YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN YOUR PLACE!!!! NEVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE!!!!" I yelled at him and as soon as I finished yelling I punched him square in the nose. An audible crack was heard as I broke his nose. Grabbing Scott's wrist I stormed away, angry, and wanting to kill him.

"Audrey you need to calm down. Take a deep asbreath. We can get you some work out clothes and take you to the fight bar if you want. Don't do anything rash." Scott said as we walked. I took a deep breath then nodded at him.

"Yeah I would like that." But then it dawned on me. My brothers would be angry at me and.... Mason would most likely be at my house. Scott realized this seeing as his eyes grew wide under his ray band glasses.

"I could go in and get them for you and you could hide outside." He suggested I nodded with this.

"Sounds like a plan." And with that we walked to my house. When we arrived, Scott knocked on the door while I hid around the corner of the house. The door was opened by...... Mason.

"What do you want?" He asked harshly. He was angry at me yet he was the one who broke my heart just yesterday. The only person I truly trusted broke me once again. This is why you can't trust people. One way or another they will hurt you and sometimes it's a large wound and sometimes t is a smaller wound. But it doesn't matter. I'm no longer fully trusting people. Both time I've trusted people, I've been betrayed. An annoyed sigh cut me out of thought.

"Fine but hurry up. And tell her to come home soon her brothers and I need to talk to her." With that Scott walked into the house and a few minutes later walked out with a backpack on his shoulder. I came out of my spot and faced him.

"My knight in shining armor." I said with a laugh. He grinned largely ad me and shook his head.

*one day later*
I have decided to go home today and face my brother and Mason.

"Are you sure you want to do this Audrey? You can always stay here for one more day." Scott said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

"I need to get this over with. My mom and dad are dead and my heart is broken what worse could happen?" I asked as I walked down the sidewalk. Scott replied something but I was too deep in though as I was preparing for the long trip home. I arrived at the door sooner than I wanted to. I didn't even knock. I just walked in seeing as they had left the door unlocked. I walked into the house and yelled.

"DIDNT OUR PARENTS TEACH YOU TO NEVER LEAVE THE DOOR UNLOCKED??" I listened intently, silently counting in my head.
'One...' And right on cue all three of my brothers come storming down the stairs, almost to the point where they're trampling each other.

"Your home!" All of them yelled at once.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, lets just get this part over with. I have some ass to kick." I muttered. It was, surprisingly, Cass who spoke up first.

"AUDREY ELISABETH GREY WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!! WHY DID YOU JUS LEAVE OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE!??!?!?" Cass yelled at me. I just stood there shell shocked for a while. Then I replayed.

"I was at Scott's house. And for why I left....well... did mason tell you what he did?" They all shook there head no.

"Well he broke my heart. I was crying in his arms and he broke up with me." I said containing the sob that so badly wanted to escape. One tear slowly slid down my face. Then I started to sob my heart out. All three of my brother's came over and started to hug the life out of me, and it was very comforting. Once I calmed down I scolded myself for being so week.

"Oh honey.... we're here for you." Toby said, fun fact, Toby was gay. Jack was bi-sexual. And Cass... well... he doesn't know what. But as long as he was true to himself and found his love, I will always be there for him just like he and my other brothers are.

Hey sorry this took oh-so long to write and post. I may have forgotten what I was writing, and then forgot about this story. Thanks for sticking with me 😄😉

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