It cant be true....

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As i walked past all of the people talking about me in hushed voices, i glared at everyone that dared to look at me. Something about me has been given out, and like a virus it spread. But I didnt care. I could take on anyone that dared to fight me. Walking out of the school, i walked to the bar where i fight. Walking over to the sign up table, the men nodded at me. Over the past month I apparently have became a very famous bad ass street fighter. Everyone knew who Aud was, but what they didnt know was that I was Aud. And i liked to keep it that way. Back to reality, i wrapped my fists and stretched. Waiting for my turn, I watched, more like observed, the fight before me. They both looked to be beginners, so i wasnt very interested. Finally, it was her turn.

"OKAY TODAY WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL FIGHT..... WE HAVE UNDEFEATED ELLIOT VERSES... CAN YOU GUESS?" The reff yelled. The were many names yelled out. But none of them right.

"ITS A SHE, AND SHE IS VERY POPULAR, SHE IS AN UNDEFEATED CHAMP HERE." With the crowd started to chant my name as i jumped over the ropes of the ring. The Elliot guy was facing, had a build that was ten times my own, but that would only slow him down. He smirked at me, and i returned it. The bell rang, we circled each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. I was not going to budge but Elliot must have felt the almost pressure of the crowd, as the wanted blood to be spilled. He moved first, throwing a left hook, he was fast but not as fast as me, at an almost lighting speed, i ducked under his arm, and stood behind him. I tapped his shoulder, and as he turned i punched his nose, breaking it in the process, he groaned but recover fast. He tried to head lock me, but i grabbed his arm and wrapped it around his own neck. Hitting the back of his head he was down for the count. Everyone had bet on me, so i walked out of the bar with about $3,500 in cash in my back pack. I walked home, to see my brothers sitting in the main room, looking sad.

"Hey guys.... whats up?" I asked slowly, setting down my back pack in the hallway.

"Aud, something happened...... To mom and dad." Jack said. Jack patted the spot in between him and Toby. Cass was sitting on the ground, legs crossed.

"Okay..." I said slowly as i sat down.

"Mom and dad are gone. They were driving home from work, and were hit by a drunk driver, dad was killed on impact, and mom died on the way to the hospital. She lost to much blood." Toby explained, Jack was rubbing circles into my back. Tears threaten to push their way out, but i wouldn't. I needed to be strong. even if Jack and Toby were older, I needed to be strong from them, and specifically for Cass. He is 15 and can take care of himself, but i still needed to be strong. I stood up, and started to walk to my room.

"Aud, come back, we are all sad, you can cry with us, you know you dont always have to be strong for us." I heard Jack yell from the main room, but i ignored him, walked into my room, and opened my window. Grabbing a pen from my desk, i threw it at Mason's window which was across from mine. Mason opened the window and smiled, until he saw my expression, and the tears that were about to fall. He motioned me over, so since our windows were only about five feet apart i stepped out onto the ledge outside and jumped to his ledge, like i had many times before. Once I got into his room, my walls broke, and my tears fell, a river flowing down my face. Mason wrapped his arms around me and comforted.

"shh. It's okay, I'm here. Tell me when your ready." Mason told me. When I was calm enough I started to recount what my brothers had said. When I was finished he looked sad, sadder than me actually.

"Hey what's up? Your sadder than me right now." I asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Aud I know its not the best time but.. We need to talk." Mason said his and covering mine.

"Is this about why people were talking about me in school? " I asked worry clear in my voice.

"Somewhat..... Okay here goes nothing..... We need to break up. I can't be seen with you anymore it's jus-" Mason said, but I cut him off.

"So I'm not good enough for you now? Wow I was right! I knew you would make me fall, and hard, might I add, then ditch me! You know what? I don't care!! Just never talk to me again!" And yelled then went over to his window and hopped out, over to mine, where I used the ladder of vines on the wall to climb down. As I reached the ground, I sprinted, as fast as I could. Even after I had started to have trouble breathing, and my body started to hurt I still didn't understand. I only stopped when I almost collapsed. Only to see that I was in a park about four miles away from my house. I had my phone in pocket, and soon it started to buzz. I looked at it, only to see they were from Mason.
Mason: Aud please. Come back. Let me explain.
Mason: Baby please, I need to talk to you.
Mason: Aud, baby, answer your phone. Please.
Mason: Don't be like this please, I can't stand being without you.
Mason: come on Aud please, I'm begging you, answer your phone, you have been gone for almost two hours, don't be like this, let me explain.
Me:Did you not understand when I said, only two hours ago, not to talk to me? I don't want to hear you fucking explanation. I'm not good enough for you and I don't think that I can even look at you right now. Now piss off before I come back and punch you until your in inch from your death. You broke up with me, I loved you. Yes I said it(even though it's over text) I love you, I always will. And you broke my heart. Just leave me alone.
As I responded, the tears I had held in had fallen, a river cascading down my narrow face. I loved him, and he shattered my heart. I noticed that I had been walking without realizing, and that I was in front of the bar I fight in.
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