Chapter One

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Brad's POV

It all happened so quickly, I could barely believe it happened at all. Here I was, hunting around the supermarket for something more substantial than mac and cheese for dinner, and then my whole life was turned upside down.

I shuffled through the aisles, trying to look as ordinary as possible, but there was never any point. Everyone always stared at me. I could never tell whether they're staring at my height and muscly build that being in a pack gives me, or whether they are actually staring at me because they know my secret. It always seemed that way.

I directed my eyes to the lower shelving, letting them wander over the endless rows of tinned food. This supermarket was so different to the one in my town. Unfortunately, that supermarket was being renovated, so I had to go to the next town over.

I decided on some tins of spaghetti. Making dinner had become difficult since I'd left home. Aunt May always cooked dinner, so I would never have to bother, but now I wish I had payed more attention.

"Excuse me," a soft female voice spoke. I could see she was trying to manoeuvre her trolley around mine. "Oh sorry-" I said, looking up. It was only one glance, just one moment. But it only takes one second to look into someone's eyes, and when I looked into her deep greys, I knew I was gone.

They were like a storm, a deep and wild charcoal, so mysterious yet somehow innocent. I could feel it, like a magnetic force pulling me towards her. I had turned eighteen three years ago, so I was surprised it had taken so long to find her. The one; my mate.

I realised I was staring at her; her long brunette hair, soft pale complexion and curves that suited her perfectly. I forced myself to pry my eyes away.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry," I repeated, moving my trolley, "There you go". She flashed the most beautiful smile. The girl was beautiful anyway, but this smile just lit her face up like a spotlight on a stage.

"Thank you," she said politely and headed on her way down the aisle. My gut wrenched with agony, separation pains. I had been told about them before, but no words could describe this grief. At least she wouldn't feel them until I told her, which gave me some peace of mind.

I stared after her, every single detail about her running through my head. I knew everything about her now, it was always the way. I focused on the most important detail of all, her name; Rose.

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