Chapter Five

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The kiss was addictive. I couldn't pull away, hooked on the drugs he calls lips. When he finally pulled away, I slipped out of his grasp.

"What the hell! I don't even know you!" I cried angrily.

"You enjoyed it though," he snickered. I didn't answer, I was so confused. I didn't know anything about this guy, yet somehow he claimed to know everything about me.

Then I remembered what he'd said before he kissed me, "What do you mean I'm yours? I don't belong to anyone". I place my hands on my hips in defiance.

"On the contrary, you are mine. You're my mate" he stated.

I narrowed my eyes, "What do you mean I'm your mate?" The things he's create an unsettling knot in my stomach. "What are you, a werewolf or something?" I joked dryly, using my extensive knowledge of the supernatural.

"Good job," he praised with a smirk, "Got it on the first try."

"That's impossible, werewolves don't exist" I retorted.

"Ah, but you have been deceived. I could prove it to you if you want, but we would have to go further into the tree line," he says, "I don't want anyone else seeing me. Homeland security on my back is the last thing I need."

I glared at him, "There is no way I'm following you in there. How do I know you're not a murderer and you're trying to lure into the forest to do god knows what?"

Brad chuckled, "If I wanted to kill you I would've grabbed you while we were kissing and carried you in there".

A small gasp escaped my lips. Was this guy serious? My reaction just made him laugh more. "I promise I'm not lying to you, just trust me," he said, holding out his hand. I hesitated, every fibre of my being was screaming at me to run away, but for some reason I felt safe around him, rather than frightened.

I walked forward, pushing his hand away with my shoulder as I crossed my arms. I could hear his footfalls behind me. We stopped by a large pine tree and he pulled his shirt off. "Oh, if you wanted to screw me, why didn't you just say so?" I say sassily. "Only if you want me to Rose," Brad mused. I rolled my eyes and tried to avert my eyes.

He chucked his clothes at me and I caught them awkwardly. "Hold these will ya?" he said. I put the clothes down and tried to focus only on his face, but it was really hard not to notice his lean biceps and abs.

Brad must have noticed me checking him out because that gorgeously annoying smug look entered his face again. My cheeks burned like a forest fire. "You might want to step back" he instructed.

I did as I was told, though I wasn't sure why. Brad closed his eyes and his body began to quiver, lumps of skin rising and morphing into fur. His body spasmed and he sprung forward, his body changing from a man to a giant black wolf. I fell back, a scream ripping through my throat as he sprung forward. The wind was knocked out of me, but I'm not sure whether it was from the impact with the ground or the shock. He was telling the truth.

The wolf cautiously stepped forward, the ebony fur on his body swaying with his movements. The wolf dropped down and pushed his head forward, inches from mine.

I looked into his huge eyes, dark gold. "It is you," I whispered, gingerly running a hand through the fur on his head. He nuzzled my neck, licking my cheek with his huge tongue. "Ew Brad," I giggled, wiping my face.

His body began to tremble again and the giant wolf morphed back into a man lying on his stomach in my lap.

Brad pressed his lips to mine again. I kissed him back, running my hands through his golden hair. He pulled his lips away but pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you," he whispered, his eyes locking mine. "I love you too," I replied, and then gasped at what I had just said.

"What's wrong?" Brad asked, sitting up. "Is it normal to feel that way?" I asked, concerned. But it was true, what I felt was so unbelievable, yet so real.

He chuckled softly and kissed me again. "Yes, it's normal. You are my mate after all," he answered, reaching up and pushing away a lock of hair that had slipped from my ponytail. I nodded with a dazed expression. This had all happened so quickly, but I hadn't felt so sure about anything in my entire life.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. "Yeah," I sighed, "Just trying to take it all in". Brad nodded, pulled back.

"No, don't go. I didn't mean I wanted to you to go," I insisted. He smiled, seeming satisfied with that. "Well in that case..." but he didn't finish as his lips were currently occupied.

When we finally broke from the kiss he asked, "Do you want me to drop you home?"

I nodded and got up, "Yeah, but you better put your clothes back on". He laughed and got up. I quickly looked at my lap, my cheeks heating again at the realization that he'd been lying on me, naked. He just chuckled softly as he pulled his jeans on. "No, I had planned on riding my motorcycle nude. You should try it sometime," he said cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

Once he'd finished dressing, he took my hand and we headed across the field to the school. He swung a leg over the seat and nestled himself. He turned to look at me, encouraging me to do the same. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I mimicked Brad and seated myself behind him. He handed me a white helmet and grabbed my hands after I had put it on, pulling them around his waist. "What about you?" I asked, referring to his lack of helmet. "I'm tough," he shrugged. I sighed frudtratedly at his low regard for safety, but I didn't press it. He must know what he's doing.

"If my mother sees me coming home on the back of a motorcycle, she might actually skin me alive and use the rest of my remains in soup," I say. "Interesting choice of punishment," Brad muses, "But do not fret, I have won medals for my stealth. I have also won many for my stunning looks, but that's beside the point."

He turns back to look at me with a cheeky grin, making me roll my eyes at him. I reach up and hit the back of his head lightly, "Just take me home, asshole."

"Yes ma'am," he snickers, kicking the motorcylce into gear and revving the engine before driving out of the car park.

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