Save Me

18 1 18

Okay so adjusting here in the U. S. Isn't really as easy as thought.

Switching rooms, chatty girls, being the only Asian in nearly every class .-.

I am a vegetable. Lol.


Feelings have been growing for somebody, but I still love EXO too.

Here you go guys.


Chapter 18

H a n a  S e n t o k i

The water in the hallway has risen up to my waist.

And that is like, up to the thighs of all the boys who are with me.

Anyhow, this is never going to turn out pretty.

"I CAN'T SWIM! I CAN'T SWIM!" I cried in the hallway clinging to an open locker.

"Take my hand Hana!!" Edison called out. "No time to lose!"

I wanted to reach out for his hand, but I was afraid.
Even if all of them were already clinging to each other just so that Edison can reach me.

"I cannot swiiiim...." I was already crying like a child.

Suddenly the water was flowing faster.

And now a big heavy chair was coming the boys' way.

"WATCH OUT!" Chanyeol called out.


The chair separated them so they broke apart.

It hit me too....

So I was struggling in the water.

I was crying already and I cannot breathe.

"Hang on everyone!"

Namjoon was shouting but we can hardly hear him. The water was very loud.

"NOOOOO---" I can feel myself sinking and rushing into the water, then...


I bobbed my head and saw Kyungsoo making his way towards me despite the water.

"DYOOOOH..." I tried to speak.

Kyungsoo grabbed me by the waist and swam with the current. "I got you Hana." He shivered as we were floating.

Kyungsoo floated me to a locker and pinned me there with a big safety pin.

"I got you Hana. Don't go." He calmly told me while the tears were steadily flowing down his face.

I cried also, because...

How did he manage to stay so calm in such a catastrophic situation?

More things were already floating towards us in the hallway.

It was scary.

"YIXING!" My eyes can make out a razor blade in the water.

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