Chapter 3

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Denis' POV

I woke up and saw Lexi still asleep. She's so beautiful. How her red hair falls perfectly past her face, how the little freckles on her face make her look even more beautiful. I walked to the lounge room, Ben's sitting there on his phone.

"Ben, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?" He looked concerned.

"I know we only met Lexi a day ago, but I think I like her" I said shyly.

"Really?" He looked surprised.

"Yeah, is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Well no, but make sure you know that you definitely like her before you do anything" he said

"Okay, thanks man" I smiled.

Lexi's POV

I woke up and went into the bathroom. 'You're so ugly!' The voice in my head said.

'I know' I said back.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I walked to my suitcase, I got my black ripped skinny jeans, a MIW t shirt, my leather jacket and my black converses. I went back in the bathroom, I put on light foundation, a thin line of eyeliner, mascara and light pink lipstick. I put my hair in a ponytail.

I walked out into the lounge room, Ben was on his phone and so was Cam, Sam was in the kitchen and Denis was too, James came out of the bunk area and gave me a hug.

"We have a meet and greet in 10 minutes, so we should probably go" Cam said.

We all walked to the meet and greet. There were a few fans giving me dirty looks. I always had people doing that to me when I was in high school, I got really depressed over it. I tried to ignore it but i wanted to run away. Ben was walking over to me.

"Are you okay?" He looked concerned.

"I'm fine" I lied.

He sat next to Denis and they all began to sign things that the fans brought up. There was this one fan who kept looking at me, it made me feel uncomfortable. She walked over to me.

"Look at you, you're such a whore, trying to get into their pants, no one wants you." She laughed.

She walked back over to the guys and started flirting with Denis. I walked to the bus and ran into the bathroom. I got my blade out of my phone case and began to cut my wrists.

'She was right, you are a whore and no one wants you' the voice in my head said.

I believe it. I'm so worthless. I have nothing to offer. Denis would never love someone like me. I cried but I kept cutting. Until there was complete darkness.

I know I said I'd update when there was 5 votes. But I felt updating. There's been some stuff going on in my life, so the story is sort off based around that. If you like my story, vote and comment. It would mean a lot.
~ Zoe <3

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